Olivia's First time (On set)

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Liv sat in the chair next to me and watched as the wardrobe instructors gave me the costume that would create Maggie and as my makeup had already been done, I was finished fairly quickly and was able to move straight to set to get ready to start shooting. I had my script with me to read over quickly before getting in front of the camera.

I walked to Scott Gimple and introduced him and Robert Kirkman (The creator of the comic books) to Liv. "I know this might come as a shock to you but I have a daughter. No-one knew about her until last night and I thought it would be good for her to come here and watch on set for a few hours instead of having her stuck in the house with nothing to do. I hope that's okay." I said and they both looked shocked but smiled.

"Of course Lauren. It's fine. We don't mind, maybe she can learn a thing or two from us and you." Scott replied and I smiled.

"I hope she does. But anyway, this is Olivia." I pointed out towards her and puled her closer. "Liv, this is Scott and Robert, you will be stood back her with them while I'm filming but they'll take good care of you." I told her and she smiled.

"Hi, I'm glad I finally get to meet you. I've watched clips of the show and I've always wanted to come to set but my Mom wouldn't let me because no one knew about me." She told them and they took her by the hand and pulled her to the cameras and I rolled my eyes at them and went onto my mark in front of the camera.

"Hey, where's Liv?" Chandler asked me and I looked at him with a smirk.

"She's with Scott and Robert. Why? Are you missing her already?" I teased and he blushed and I giggled softly. He liked her just as much as she liked him.

"What? No!" He blurted and I snorted.

"You don't sound very convincing." I said with a smile.

"How?" He caved and I fist pumped the air.

"It was obvious when you met her yesterday. She was just as infatuated with you as you are with her or you wouldn't have followed her around at school today. Just please, let her get to know you more first before you get any closer to being more than friends. She'll be easy persuaded because she's never experienced this before."

"I know, you don't have to explain this to me Lauren. I don't mind waiting and I will always protect her. You know me and you know I will always do what I think best." Chandler was being very genuine and I smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you for saying that. She'll be watching you act more than me today. I guarantee it." I smiled and he took a sip of his water before getting to his mark.

It wasn't long until action was called and we started to scene. It was a nice scene, I got to kiss Steven in this scene and I knew it would be so weird having Liv sat there watching her Mom kiss her boyfriend. We always try to keep the kissing on the low down around her because it makes me uncomfortable.

On this set, we weren't big on any mess ups in scenes. We usually managed to do one or two takes and be done with the scene which made it so much more efficient. I liked it that way but even though filming was strict, the cast had so much more fun offset. We made lots of memories to hold onto behind the scenes and off camera.

Once we were finished filming the scene, we all took a break. I looked at Liv who looked star struck. I giggled at her and she turned her attention to me. "Have you enjoyed watching your little crush act?" I teased and she turned red. "I'm sorry I'm just teasing but its really cute."

"Well stop." She whined and I pulled her into a hug. "Thank you for bringing me here today, thank you for letting me go to school, thank you for letting me be a normal teenager. I love you Mom." She whispered into my shoulder and I pulled her in tighter.

"I love you too baby." I whispered in her ear and let her go. "Let's go home." I said and wrapped my arms around her shoulders and we headed back to the trailer to grab our things and meet Steven before walking to the car to drive home.

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