chapter 5

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    Thunder paced back and forth, in the tin tube, he called his den. "C-shade, and Flower are too old, Flash and silver aren't ready or serious enough to lead." He pondered. Star has kitts and so does Berry, so they need to stay with them. Moon... Is barely too old to lead. Thorn..." He stopped. Why not Thorn? He was the right age, but could he lead? There's only one way to find out. "Thorn!" Thunder called."what is it, Thunder?" Thorn dipped his dark ginger head with stripes and spots, like a leopard.

Thunder returned the favor."now, how would you like to be leader for the day?" Thorn gaped. " Wha-Wha-What do you mean?" Thorn stammered, as if it was the most outlandish thing he'd ever heard.

Thunder shook water off a paw casually."exactly what I said, leader for a day, but, if you're not up to the task, I suppose I could make Flash leader over you, for a day." everyone new that thorn and flash had freindly competition and that would prove that flash was better then him. Thunder turned away."no, wait!" Thorn caught up with him." I'm up to the task, it just caught me off guard, That's all." Thorn scuffed the dirt with his paws. Thunder dipped his head, full of excitement.

"Then follow me." Thorn stumbled," right now? okey." Thorn shrugged and joined him. On the leader ledge. "Okey." Thunder whispered."say it." Thorn looked baffled." What, me?" But, he stepped forward, easy to spot, on the pinkish rock. "Um..." Thorn glanced back at Thunder. When Thunder nodded, he seemed to gain confidence. Chest puffed out proudly, he yowled, with so much force, it startled him." Attention Swift Gang!" The whole clearing fell silent, and they gazed at Thorn, with wonder."Thorn threw a look over his strong shoulders, as wide as Thunder's. he whispered. "Maybe you better do this part."

Thunder acknowledged. Him and took Thorn's place."I know you're all wondering why Thorn summoned you all today." The gang nodded, clearly absorbed. "We'll, for reasons I cannot explain, I'm making Thorn leader for a day." Instead of the rouse of complaints, Thunder had expected, the clearing was filled with chants and cheers. He had made a popular choice, Thunder realized.

His heart plummeted with sadness, at the thought of leaving them, more, one betraying him. It couldn't be Thorn. Thunder reasoned. Cuz, if he was serving Terror, he wouldn't be so shy to lead. And, he was a father. So, he had made the right choice. But, Thorn still had to pass the test.

Thorn jumped down, cats crowded him. Silver asked first. "Thorn, what will you have us do?" Thorn hesitated. Glanced at Thunder, who gave him nothing but a nod of encouragement. "I will go on daily patrol, with C-Shade, Flower and Thunder. The rest if you hunt." Then, the patrol left camp.

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