chapter 26

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Thunder clung on, his claws barely clutching the thick greasy pelt, fighting to get a grip.

This is hopeless!

The dog turned its head, to snap at him, but Thunder dodged swiftly.

As Thunder swiped his claws across its fuzzy ear, He glimpsed Angel black out.


Fighting panic, Thunder swatted its nose, claws sheathed, not drawing blood.

I have to lead it away!

Angel would be easy prey, when she was unconscious.

Thunder had to distract it, before it realized that.

Thinking fast, Thunder took a deep breath and pushed off, hard with his back paws, leaping over the dogs huge head and landing a foot away.

But thunder didn't run off yet.

He had to get the dogs attention.

"Hey! Dog!"

He yowled.

The dog cocked its head.

Thunder spat.

"Come get me! Flea muzzle!"

He taunted.

The dogs ears flattened at the insult.

Thunder rejoiced, that his plan was working.

Though he knew the dog couldn't understand what he was saying, it recognized the mockery in his tone.

Growling, it gave chase.

Thunder pelted forward, though, slowing down when the dog fell too far behind.

If I go too far, the dog will lose interest.

This thought have him strength.

When they were far from Angel, Thunder glanced back.

He was relieved to see His sister's white shape peel away from the fence and spring to Angel's side.


That's it!

With a sigh, Thunder pumped the ground harder, making a sharp turn.


Thunder glimpsed Spirit dragging Angel to safety, before dodging out of the way.

But the dog was gaining.

The dog lunged toward him.

Thinking quick, Thunder leapt, jumping over the dog's head and catching its other ear with a claw.

The dog howled in pain, as it crashed downward, barely missing its target.

Thunder pushed off, sailing over the dog's body, almost crashing into its large, curled tail, as he cleared the canine.

Thunder yowled, twisting in mid air, to land behind the smelly heap of dog.

I may not be faster....

He thought.

But I'm swift and clever, and my practiced battle moves are quick and flawless with experience!

Thunder dashed on, thrilled by the chase, as the dog shook its head, before pounding after him.

Almost there....

But his limbs ached, and he knew he couldn't run for long. soon he would have to turn and fight.

The dogs jaws snapped a whiskers length away from his ear, boring down on him like a bear.

Alleycats book 1: thunderstormWhere stories live. Discover now