chapter 11

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Thunder considered this for a moment, then he finally answered.

"it would probably be easier to teach you to hunt first, then adapt the moves to fighting." He suggested.

Angel shrugged."okey."

Thunder's paws tingled nervously. He swallowed and lead her to a small opening in the forest, big enough for fighting room though, and beckoned with his gray, striped tail.

Angel came over, fur bushed up with excitement.

Thunder dipped his head politely. Forcing down his doubt, he cleared his throat and began.

Angel listened intently, blue gaze fixed on him.

"Now the first thing you want to do is lower your body, so the prey won't see you." He demonstrated, flattening his belly fur so it brushed the ground, his rump pressed flat and his legs stretched forward. His back was curved inwards, head and tail still and flat.

Angel copied. "Like this?" she fell into a similar crouch, rump in the air, tail lashing the leaves with excitement.

Thunder replied, hoping he wouldn't offend her. "Close."

He got to got to his paws and padded around to Angel's side. "But make sure to keep your tail still or the prey will hear you coming."

He advised her gently. Angel nodded and stilled her tail, wrapping it around her and tucking it firmly behind her snowy, back paws.

Thunder's ears burned at correcting her.

"Don't tuck your tail..."

He warned. "Or it might trip you when you leap."

Angel had already moved her tail higher up, so it was hugging her side. She looked up at him anxiously.

She's worried she is doing it wrong!

The realization made thunder wince with guilt.

Am I being too hard?

Thunder shook the thought away. "Good."

He nodded in approval. "Just make sure that when you leap that your tail streams out behind you for balance." He told her briskly.

Angel nodded, looking thoughtful for a moment. Her gaze cleared as she understood. "That makes sense..." She murmured. Then turning to Thunder, she meowed. "Oh, I see, so is this right?"

She asked.

Thunder studied her carefully, judging whether it was effective. Finely, Thunder nodded.

"Perfect, but keep your rump down." He cautioned. "That way you can hide your white pelt." He chided.

Angel lowered her rump, slowly, so that it was level with the rest of her body.

Thunder bit back a 'mrrrow" of amusement. She looked like a white worm, with her paws tucked out of sight and ears flattened, blending into her snowy pelt. All was visible was her back, head and tail!

Thunder got to his paws.

Angel's legs were shaking from the effort of keeping still.

Thunder leapt down beside her and beckoned with his tail. "Your doing great!" He praised.

Angel glowed with pride.

Thunder continued. "But let's take a moment to rest.

You obviously need it. Thunder thought, looking at Angel.

Alleycats book 1: thunderstormWhere stories live. Discover now