chapter 16

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     Clawface paced back and forth, tail twitching with concern. His gang had escaped the flood. But he was worried that Swiftgang was less fortunate. Was Rose, Blossom, Blue and Branch okey? He liked the kits and their cats were friendly.

Terror stalked towards him. "What's wrong?" He demanded gruffly. "We've escaped, why are you still worried?"

Clawface hesitated. Would Terror understand? He swallowed.

" that we could check in on Swiftgang..." He stammered, hollow with dread.

Terror stared for a moment, gaze barely softening. "You mean Flash..." He murmured. It wasn't a question, just a calm matter-of-fact tone.

Terror sighed. "Flash chose his own path and we must respect that." He went on more coolly. "He is a traitor to his own kind, let him meet the fate he chose."

Clawface gaped as he continued.

"Whatever happens, he brought it apon hisself."

Clawface gazed into his brother's usually dark eyes and found...Understanding, sympathy?

Did he regret the evil he had done to his brother?

Maybe he would finely change.... His joy vanished when Terror added. "I understand that you feel responsible to our youngest brother, I personally was never that close to Flash. Don't bother, he is responsible for himself."

Clawface couldn't believe his ears! His evil brother couldn't care less about his little brother! It was true! He really was evil!

Clawface backed away, fear flooded him. Terror was dangerous! He couldn't stay here, living what he knew wasn't right. He couldn't! His own brother was a monster! Gasping, he turned and padded towards the entrance, hoping Terror would assume he was going for a walk. Terror flicked his ear dismissively, grumbling to himself as the twisted leader padded away. Probably to sleep.

Relieved, Clawface forced himself to look calm. He was stopped by his mother and their elder, Lark. Lark gazed at him, amber eyes full if concern. "What is it my son." She rasped, gentle accent comforting.

Not bringing himself to lie to her, he took a deep breathe.

"I'm leaving," he confessed, suddenly anxious. Would she try to stop him? As he continued. "This is not the place for me, I can not stay here." He bowed his head, hit with shame. Would his mother be mad that he'd abandoned her?

Larks face hardened. "Go, but I'm coming with you." She meowed unexpectedly. "Whwhat?"

He stammered. "I can't stand the violence and cruel atitude, and for one thing, my own son treats me like like garbage. I need peace." She rasped. "This is not how I can find that." She got to her paws. "Come on."

She urged. "Let's go."

Terror's head snapped in their direction and his eyes narrowed. He stalked over, eyes flashing. "And where do YOU think your going?" He demanded.

Clawface met his glare with equal anger.

He lifted his chin. "We're leaving." He declared, holding his gaze steadily.

Terrors eyes narrowed to slits as he continued.

" these cats are your gang and you could have easily just earned their respect. I..." Terror interrupted. "I do have their respect." He flashed defensively. "No one else would ever challenge my authority, I have their loyalty." He meowed smugly.

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