chapter 20

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Thunder padded forward through the grassy, green slopes, Oreo trailing at his heels.

He sighed. For now, he was stuck with him. The elderly tom grumbled softly as he followed the narrow path.

Shaking his pelt with relief, Thunder was glad to be on the move again. He had to find Angel.

Oh, Angel...

The beautiful white she-cat never left his mind and his heart ached from hoping.she had to be okay...

His thoughts trailed off, as Thunder noticed the golden gleam of yellow eyes in the shade of a bush behind Oreo.


Thunder stared as a long, white muzzle nosed out, along with its narrow, red head. It's bat ears flicked forward with interest. Oreo babbled to himself, apparently oblivious to the threat.

Thunder couldn't bare to watch any longer. Tensing his muscles, he braced himself."Oreo!" He yowled. "Look out!"

Oreo spun around to face the fox, hissing, golden eyes wide with terror.

The fox bunched its haunches to spring.

Without thinking, Thunder slammed into Oreo, knocking him off the path, to put himself in between him and the fox.

Trembling, Thunder held his ground. Narrowing his pale eyes, he let out a battle cry and dove at the fox's muzzle, scoring his claws across its nose. The fox snapped, but Thunder dodged out of range, before it could even retaliate.

Sensing the fox was about to pounce, Thunder stiffened, remembering how Sneakers had defeated the fox.

Of course!

Thinking fast, Thunder didn't even flinch as it leapt, scoring marks on the dirt with claws raking the soil.

As the fox soared through the air, instead of running, Thunder pounced under its shadow. it grunted as it flew well away from it's target.

The fox sailed into a patch of nearby sage, buffing the earth as it fell, skidding in the dirt.

As quick as a snake, Thunder dove at the fox and raked his claws across its side. The fox yelped in pain, snapping as he leapt to land squarely onto its back. Sinking his back claws in, he raked its back with his front paws, digging deep ruts in its thick, reddish fur.

Thunder yowled in surprise as he was flung off, blood spraying from the wound as he tore free. Thunder landed hard, skidding several bush lengths across the dust, to bang against a stump. Winded, Thunder waited for what the fox would do next.

Whining in pain, the fox shook dirt out of its eyes and dashed off, leaving a trail of matted fur behind.

Panting, heavily, thunder was too tired to feel triumphant. He collapsed in a tired heap in the scorching sun. Closing his tired eyes, thunder sighed, then blacked out...

Alleycats book 1: thunderstormWhere stories live. Discover now