chapter 19

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 Angel stretched and yawned. She had been hunting at night, to avoid leaving Branch in the day and she was exhausted. She was warmed by the sleeping form of the young cat.

A putrid smell hit her as she got to her paws. Gasping, she clawed her way out of the small den. Taking a deep breath, she dragged Branch out into the open. Gulping air, she flinched when she saw that the wound on his tiny paw was foaming with yellow pus. It had been to long. Too long to stay shut in the heat and bugs. And now...

she froze.

It was infected!

She touched her nose to his paw skin and pulled it back in a jerk. His pelt was hot with the infection.

Soon, he would die.

"No!" She wailed. "Not now, not after we've been trying so hard for so long. She had become attached to the poor, helpless kitten and pain stabbed her heart.

She had saved him. And it was all for nothing...

She bowed her head with shame. I let this happen...

Then, the bushes behind her rustled. She whipped her head up in a hiss, arching her back. He may be dieing, but she would defend him to her dieing breath.

The bushes rustled again and the shaking leaves revealed a white, sleek-furred she-cat with a soot-kissed face and a red collar.

"Who are you?" Angel growled, warily. Could she trust this cat?

The she-cat looked surprised, as if she was startled at the defense in her voice.

She spoke hastily.

"Oh I smelled infection and I came to help." She blinked sympathetically. "Are you lost?" She pitied.

Angel interrupted grumpily. "No." She meowed defensively. Then she thought better of her mood.

'I sound just like Thunder!'

Angel dipped her head.

"No, I'm not lost, I'm concerned about this kits wound." She glanced near Branch.

The cat's blue eyes sparkled with welcome.

Angel groaned inwardly. She was only being snappy cuz she was worried.

We don't have time! He's dieing!

The cat moved forward, "I'm Spirit."

And I'm tired of this conversation. Angel thought but replied calmly.

"And I'm Angel, now how can you help?"

Spirit sniffed curiously. She looked up, eyes gleaming.

"I have an idea!"

* * *

Angel panted heavily. They had carried Branch for ages, it felt like.

When they stopped at a large, brown door, carved smoothly from wood.

"What is this place?"Angel asked, setting Branch's sad form on the brittle mat.

She looked up at the huge house.

It was shiny and tall and reeked of hay and dog.

Spirit answered. " it's a farm, though they provide for themselves instead."

They? Who was they?

Spirit continued. "But you may call it Sunset lane." She dipped her head.

Angel dipped her head. "Okay," she paused. "But what are we doing here?"

Spirit winked. "You'll see."

Angel watched, puzzled.

Spirit trotted up to the door and meowed piteously.

After a moment, the door opened to reveal a young, female human.

She took one horrified look at Branch and dashed off, closing the door, babbling her language inside.

"Great." Angel mumbled. "Nothing's happening..."

Just as she spoke, the door opened and an older male and female human joined at the door. The two adults murmured to each other before scooping Branch up in their arms. They mumbled in their language again, and Angel found she understood a bit:

Young female:

"Oh, no! Spirit, did your friend hurt?"

Adult female:

"Don't worry girl, well make them better."

Just then, the three cats were bundled into a small cage in the back of a car.

Realization hit Angel. They were taking them to the vet!

Relief swamped her. Perhaps the vet could help Branch.

After a while of sitting there, Angel began to feel drowsy. Curling up beside Spirit. Her last thoughts she had before she drifted into a tired, dreamless sleep, was:

What if its too late?

Alleycats book 1: thunderstormWhere stories live. Discover now