chapter 9

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 Thorn paced the den back and forth, tail twitching. Why hadn't Thunder come back yet?

He had sent the gray tom to help a lost kitten find her owner(s). The small Siamese had tumbled out of a bush while Thorn was leading a patrol.

He had been confident in his choice and it surprised him when the leader hadn't come back yet.

Reluctantly, Thorn had continued leader duties, as Thunder would have wanted. For he was still leader for a day.

His tail quivered anxiously. What if something had happened to Thunder? Had he found the kitten's home? Or...was it just a trap? Thorn stopped dead. Maybe he was in trouble! Or maybe... He rethinked his guess. Maybe...maybe Thunder was seeing how Thorn did when he was leading on his own. Was it? Could it be some sort of test? If it was, Thorn was determined to pass it. But why just suddenly ask a cat to be leader one day, then put him through a series of tests?

Thunder was always unpredictable, he could be viciously challenging their enemies one moment and then hiding and gently purring to kits the next!

Pondering his confusion a little longer, Thorn remembered the battle. Clawface had killed Thunder's wise, old friend, Fluffy, and Thunder had sworn vengeance upon him.

Thorn had seen Thunder stop and stare at Clawface. All Thorn had been able to see we're Clawface's face and tail-tip.Then Thunder had ran off and attacked some other cat.

Why? Thorn stopped with longing. He would have given anything to have known what Thunder had been thinking.

Then Thorn shook his head and puzzled on Thunder and the leader quiz once more.

Why had Thunder done this? Did Thunder think it was amusing? Was it all just one big game for the clever leader?

Thorn shook his head. Thunder wasn't like that. So what was going on?

Exasperated, Thorn looked out of the entrance of the tin tube and sighed. "What are you playing at my friend?" He murmured under his breath. "What do I need to do to pass? How can I make you happy or proud?" Feeling somewhat silly, Thorn turned away, thoughts spinning. What should he do? Should he send out a patrol, to show that he cared? Or should he stay and take charge, to show that he could handle it by himself? What was Thunder looking for? How could he pass a test, when he didn't even know how?

Suddenly, a shadow fell over him and he looked up to see Flower, Thunder's mother. Thorn got to his paws. "Flower!" he exclaimed. "Did you find out about Thunder? When is he coming back?" his ears pricked.

Flower looked at Thorn, the pity in her gaze startled him. "Thunder's not coming back." She meowed gently. Her words sent shivers down Thorn's spine.

Not coming back? What does she mean?

Thorn watched, stunned as Flower sat down, gray tail curled neatly over her soft paws. Her blue eyes blinked slowly. Deep sadness shadowed her gaze.

Frozen with fear, Thorn managed to choke out a few words. "Wha...wha...what do you me..e...ean?" He stammered, hollow with dread. Had something happened to Thunder?

Flower sighed, as if she was reluctant to continue.

Thorn finally found his voice. " has something happened to him? Is he okay? I'll help!" He raced to the opening. Paws shifting excitedly.

i finally have something to do!

"I'll grab up a patrol, and we can search the territory. I promised to stand by him no matter what, and I intend to keep it." His chest puffed proudly. He was aware of Flower, clearly frustrated, as if Thorn was making it harder by talking. Hoping to reassure her, thorn added."Saving is for leaders, you lead the way, I'll do the rest."Thorn bunched his mussels to leap down. Flower stopped him."wait!"

Thorn paused, sensing her desperation.

"You don't understand!" Flower hissed. "What kind of leader are you?

You let your imagination get the best of you and don't even let me speak, and you just carry on with one weak hunch!" She spat, fluffy fur on end.

Thorn flinched, taken aback by her harsh words. Surprised at the fury sparking in her eyes. thorn readied himself to give a stinging retort. He stopped himself.

Waves of grief radiating from flowers snow-white fur. And knew that she was just depressed.

Flower's tail lashed. "He's not in danger!" She growled. "He is gone! He chose to leave! It is his destiny, Fluffy told him a prophecy, right before he died. And Thunder is just fulfilling his wish. He's gone and he's never coming back!" She hesitated and her voice dropped to a whisper. "he still cares, he is just walking the path laid out for him. It wasn't his choice!" She seemed to be trying to convince herself as much as Thorn. " he would never want to betray us, he wouldn't betray us."

Feeling uncertain, Thorn stroked Her shoulder, gently with the tip of his tail-tip. To his relief, Flower let him.

Flower looked at him expectantly.

Thorn froze. Oh no! That's why he was testing me!

Thorn gulped, as Flower continued. "he chose you Thorn, he chose you to lead the gang he loved, he trusts you, to lead with dignity, to carry out his honor loyally.

leaving was his destiny, Thorn, and this is yours."

Forcing his voice not to shake, thorn replied coolly. "I will do whatever I must do. Though he will be missed, I promise I will make his gang the strongest it's ever been!" He promised, planting

 a forepaw firmly on the gray tin floor.

"I shall tell the gang at once!

Flower's eyes shone and she spoke. "Thunder chose well when he chose you to lead."

Thorn gave a court nod, but the praise made him glow inside, as he trotted out onto the rock.

Sunshine warmed his pelt as thorn spoke the traditional summons. It felt weird to say it on his own for once. Memory helped him, and the words rolled off his tongue easily.

"Cats of Swift Gang join beneath to hear my words!"

Alleycats book 1: thunderstormWhere stories live. Discover now