chapter 21

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 Branch woke up in a haze, in a White, shiny room.

A large shiny desk sat in the corner, which several Silvery objects sat upon. Some pointed or round, some split down the center and some tubes and needles.

Branch shied away from them. They looked frightening.

He looked at his paw and saw that the wound was gone, stitched up by thread. He lifted it experimentally, surprised that it was numb.

All was silent, that frightened him. He meowed desperately to the room.

"Where am I?"

His cry echoed eerily in the small room.

His ears flattened. He was alone. Panick swept over the kit.

Where was Angel?he missed her as if she were his own mother.

Whimpering, he cowered, pacing, before curling up in a corner.

And drifting to sleep.

* * * *

A loud clanging sound snapped him awake. And to his horror, two Humans entered. Hissing and fluffing out his fur, Branch swiped at the air. Alley cats feared humans!

But they approached him, a thin layer covering their paws and mouth.

The male grabbed him by the stomach and held on tight, seeming invincible to his claws.

Then he was carried out of the room, wriggling in the firm grip. Screeching in terror.

Then the human bundled him in a soft pelt and slammed the cage shut. He was trapped. Branch gnawed at the bars, to escape, but to no avail.

The cage was then carried to a frightening Thunderbeast! It's round, black paws churned the earth and its growl filled the world.

It's Glaring round eyes gleamed in the shadow and its shiny white pelt was crossed with a red mark, gleaming and making him squint against the glare.

To his terror and surprise, this beast swiveled to face him as they placed him inside!

The Thunderbeast ate me!

"Nooooooo!" He yowled as they stabbed a tiny object into him and everything went black....


Alleycats book 1: thunderstormWhere stories live. Discover now