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* Author pov

Mr. Aimster is busy with his books in a room in a large library building.

The guard at the door of the room suddenly came in, "Mr. Aimster, someone wants to meet you." Mr. Aimster just nodded slowly giving a sign to the guard to let the person who wanted to meet him to enter.

"Is there something happening, Terrowin?" Asked Mr. Aimster in a rushed move to a bookshelf to put back a fairly thick book on his hand.

"Mr. Aimster ..." Terrowin bent down at a glance. "Tomorrow it's time for Lordas to undergo his trial, sir."

"Lordas ..." Mr. Aimster tried to remember. "Ahh ... Allegedly a traitor to Blanchland."

"And the attack on the Ford family." Terrowin added.

"I have prepared everything. You already know what you have to do, don't you? "

"Yes sir."

"Are you sure your purpose to meet me just to remind me of Lordas? Not to talk about The Law part 7? The most important law in Blanchland."

Terrowin, who had only been looking at the other side of the room, suddenly looked at Mr. Aimster.

Silence occurred a few seconds before Terrowin spoke again. "Are you ... Really can't consider it anymore?"

"You already know my answer, Terrowin."

"You never want to tell me what happened to people who have done it before. How can I trust The Law. How can I believe that the book is not just a nonsense made to frighten children into staying focused on learning to become a Law Holder at Blanchland. Greyvond once violated part 7, he just disappeared after the sentence was handed down to him. How do I know that he is really punished? He live? He dead? You cover up the process from everyone even from me, the first Law Holder here." Terrowin stared intently at Mr. Aimster hoping for an explanation that could be heard.

Mr. Aimster closed the file he was reading and glanced at Terrowin then smiled at a glance. "I don't think there's more to talk about. You can continue your work, Terrowin."

Terrowin's face did not change until he came out from Mr. Aimster's room.


Terrowin, Terrowin Hoverhand. Growing up under Mr. Aimster's upbringing since he was 5 years old. Blanchland has been his home for 24 years. And during that time Terrowin continued to devote himself as a Law Holder at Blanchland. The Law Holder is a position given to certain people who have perfectly understood how the law operates in Blanchland. They are obliged to maintain the existing law to run according to the rules at The Law.

Blanchland is a country far from the reach of the earth and humans who live in it. It has different dimensions of space and time, only people who live in Blanchland know the whereabouts of Blanchland. Blanchland does not have much difference with cities on earth. It's just rules and laws that make Blanchland looks different. The simplest is, the slaves could not get close to civilian residential area, civilians could not get close to the residential area of the officials, officials could go to the Lord's Mansion where Blanchland's leaders were only to take care of everything related to Blanchland. And for those who are in the Lord's Mansion, they can get wherever they want because that's where Blanchland is controlled including the law at Blanchland.

Those who were born alive at Blanchland had the ability to go anywhere according to their wishes through the dimensions. But now the ability is considered dangerous, especially for children who still do not understand how to control it. In addition, many slaves used this ability to escape slavery at Blanchland. Blanchland is very strict in making regulations relating to the use of this power to maintain the safety of everyone in Blanchland. The slaves until civilians were not finally given the right to possess this ability and finally all slaves and civilians were stripped of their ability to explore space and time.


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