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* Author pov

"Why do you ask me to come?"

Mr. Aimster turned around and saw Terrowin still standing in the doorway of the room. "Come in, clean your hands and change your clothes."

Terrowin do what Mr. Aimster ask. Shortly, Terrowin returned to the room.

"Why did you call me here?" "Not satisfied enough to make me see her dying there, now you want me to see her body too ??"

"Calm yourself, Terrowin ..."

"Now I want to ask you, Mr. Aimster. What have you really done to help me, huh? What? Gods can't miss a single offering and you want me to believe that their thoughts will change just like that if I pray ?? I'm sure now that the Gods are partying there."

"The possibility is always there. I'm sorry, Terrowin. I am under the command of Lord Walden and I cannot do anything to help you."

"If you realize you can't help me, then why do you always lecture me as if you can help me? I always doubt that you really are on my side. "

"I'm just trying to make you have hope that what you experience has a way out. I don't side with anyone and I can't side with the guilty person even though I want to. You're the one who started it all, you must be responsible for everything. I always emphasize that to you from the beginning. Now I'm asking you, what have you really done to help yourself? Save your girlfriend? Hm? "

"I ..." Terrowin was stunned and tried to recall what he had done so far. "I do not do anything. But, you have to know I don't have many opportunities to do anything. And you have to know how Greyvond came to make things worse. I love her sincerely and you know that." Terrowin sighed and sat down to calm down, everything said at this time would not change anything.

"Terrowin ... Have you understood your mistake?"

Terrowin can no longer answer Mr. Aimster. He just nodded in agreement, trying to accept that all of this happened because of his mistake.

"I thought about you all night before making a sacrificial ceremony. If only I wasn't a Blanchland, maybe I wouldn't have the heart to do it. I don't expect you to be there and watch it. But you are still the same Terrowin, who likes to do whatever you want."

"I want to see her..."

"I know. That's why I call you here."


* JaeHyun pov

I followed Mr. Aimster down the stairs to the basement where the bodies of the victims who had been sacrificed were kept. I do not believe that soon I will meet JiWon, in this place.

Seen a row of bodies covered in white cloth. My gaze was fixed on one of the corners where JiWon was lying. I walked slowly, my heart pounding so fast. I can't see her in such situation.

My eyes started to heat up when I noticed that her innocent face was now turn pale. My tears flowed again as I reach my hand and cares her soft hair. Still clearly visible traces of rope snaps on her neck that had turned blue. Her face was very cold when I touched it with the back of my hand.

"Why can't I keep my promise to you, JiWon ...?" Obviously I could hear my trembling voice. "I shouldn't come to you if it will eventually be like this. You have to experience all this without me. I shouldn't fall in love with you and ask you to be my girlfriend. You really don't deserve all of this ... " I didn't know since when I became a whiny person, but talking alone to her like this, just seeing it has torn my heart apart.

Mr. Aimster approached me and gave me a white cloth that was used to cover the body, "Here ... Close the body so that she can go peacefully."

"No ... I won't do it. Mr. Aimster, this time I beg you to help me. This is my last request. I don't think all of this is fair and JiWon doesn't deserve to die."

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