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* Author pov (Blanchland)

A guard just came out of Terrowin's room and went to meet Mr. Aimster who was having lunch with other Blanchland officials.

"Mr. Aimster." The guard bowed before speaking with Mr. Aimster, "Terrowin is not in his room. He hasn't been seen for more than 2 weeks." The guard whispered to Mr. Aimster while the others gave a suspicious look to the two of them.

Mr. Aimster finished his lunch and prepared to leave his place, "Lord Welden, I have to leave now if you don't mind."

Lord Welden nodded slowly, allowing Mr. Aimster to leave because he also saw something was wrong with Terrowin. Assisted by his guard, Mr. Aimster get up from his seat and left the dining room. While others continued their lunch.


The door to Lord's Mansion's main hall suddenly opened when Lord Welden and the other officials were talking. Two guards dragged in someone followed by several other guards behind.

Shortly after the guards left, a Law Holder who looked younger than Terrowin also present before Lord Walden, Vander. The person who was dragged in looked very scared. Vander bowed to Lord Walden before explaining what had happened.

"Emery, civilians. No family, has a herb-concoction shop in a remote area of ​​the city. Terrowin went back to earth secretly. Emery is suspected of being involved in this by giving Black Ash a potion to help Terrowin go to earth."

"Send her to the dungeon before she undergo her sentence." Ask Lord Walden immediately after hearing the report from Vander.

Vander calls back the guards to imprison Emery in the dungeon. Instantly that middle-aged woman immediately cried as the guards dragged her out of the room. As long as Terrowin left, Vander took over Terrowin's job as a Law Holder at Blanchland.

"Send BlackGuard and bring Terrowin back to Blanchland." Ask Lord Walden again with an angry expression at that time.

"Yes, Lord Walden." Vander bowed again before leaving the room.


"Hey, JiWon!" JiWon was having lunch with JaeHyun when David came over to them and immediately sat next to JaeHyun. "I can join, right?" Asked David who immediately started eating his lunch without waiting for an answer from JiWon. JaeHyun ignored him as well as JiWon who only glanced at him then continu eating.

David just realized something and stopped feeding food to his mouth, "JiWon, you never said you had another male friend here." David turned to JaeHyun with enthusiasm and wanted to pat his shoulder while getting acquainted.

JaeHyun suddenly dodged when David's hand almost landed on his shoulder.

"Oh? What's wrong?" David was confused by JaeHyun's attitude, "JiWon, I'm sure your type isn't like him, right? Why is he so arrogant? Does he love cleanliness until no one can't touch him?" David teased JaeHyun's behavior in front of JiWon.

JaeHyun put down his fork, sipped a little water from his glass then turned to David. JiWon who was aware of this situation also stopped eating.

"I think you need to go to the toilet," JaeHyun said, not sounding provoked by David's teasing just now.

"What a pervert, man! JiWon, it looks like you've been friends with the wrong person." David teased JaeHyun again after hearing what's came out of JaeHyun's mouth.

"Hey! What happened ??" Suddenly the soup bowl in front of David fell and wet his clothes.

"I think you need to go to the toilet." JaeHyun repeated his sentence then grinned with satisfaction at what happened to David.

"Did you do it?" JiWon asked JaeHyun with a look of confusion and suspicion that JaeHyun had just used his power to avenge David.

JaeHyun just raises his shoulders and acts like he's not doing it.

David stood up from his chair irritated while occasionally removing the remaining ingredients of the soup that still stuck to his clothes. "He's a witch and you're friends with him ?! I am wrongly liked you for a long time." David immediately left JiWon and JaeHyun while occasionally pointing at them and talking to people in the cafeteria, "Don't come near that man! He's a witch!"JaeHyun and JiWon can hear it faintly from a distance. The people who were in the cafeteria did not really care about David's words and just continued eating.

JiWon put on a serious face to JaeHyun, "Did you do it?"

"Yes, I did it. I only taught him because he insulted me. Didn't you say he was disgusting ?? So I think you hate him too."

"Don't use your power anymore carelessly."

"Why? Even it didn't look like I was using it."

"What happened just now attracted too many people. What if they know that you have strange powers ??" JiWon explained in a softer voice but did not reduce his anger towards JaeHyun.

"Oh ?? So you care about me now ??" JaeHyun responds which makes JiWon pull back his head which was slightly closer to JaeHyun to whisper.

"What? I? Hey! I just warned you. I don't want my activities on campus got interrupted if people know that I know strange person like you."

JaeHyun laughed briefly, "Then why are you talking so nervous?" JaeHyun just left JiWon while still laughing at her.

"Eeerrgghh ..." JiWon hurriedly looked at her face from her cellphone screen to make sure that her face was red at that moment.


* JaeHyun pov

"No way ..." I was transfixed by what I had just seen from a distance.

I just saw someone who shouldn't be here right now. I saw that person walking closer to me. I quickly hid behind a large tree near me. This is not the right time to make trouble with him. I heard footsteps that were very close to me and kept hoping he didn't find me. I peeked through the tree and found that the person had turned away from here.

I breathed a sigh of relief and sat leaning against the tree. "This is not the right time." I looked down and began to think about what I should do.

1 hour later ...

I woke up and found myself still sitting leaning against a tree. Apparently I was sleeping. Suddenly I felt that at this time I could not hang around here. I saw several men with fairly athletic postures wearing a black suits were looking at the surroundings of the campus park. BlackGuard, I know very well what they are doing here. I tried to calm myself and with a little step quickly I left the park area. I have to make sure they don't meet JiWon.

JiWon is not seen everywhere. This campus area is too big, where should JiWon be today? I wandered around feeling worried while occasionally looking back to make sure no Blackguard was following me.

I decided to look for JiWon in the faculty building.

"New students shouldn't leave class on the first day." Suddenly JiWon appeared behind me.

 "Now is not the time to scold me. You don't have any class after this?" Not feeling relieved, instead I turned panic after i found her.

"No." She answered with a innocent face.

"Alright then. You have to go home now. I will come with you."

"What do you mean?? I already have an appointment with my friend today."

"I'm sorry, but you have to cancel it. You have to go home. I'll explain later."


"Remember what my purpose is here? You better obey me."


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