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* JiWon pov

"JiWon, this is me ... JiWon, we won't continue like this ... Touch it ... You know where to look ... JiWon, time will run fast ... Run, JiWon!!!"

"Akh!" I woke up from my sleep, more precisely shocked because it seemed I was dreaming. I tried to catch my breath. It felt like a chase had just taken place. "What time is this ...?" I looked at the glance.

I just came out of my room to take a drink and suddenly found someone sitting at my dinner table. I can only stand transfixed in front of my bedroom. I could not recognize him at all because he sat behind me. What I can see right now is he's a man. Still in the same place, I also ventured to ask him.

"Who are you?"

I waited for a while but he didn't answer my question. I began to doubt whether he heard me. Because I was curious, and moreover this was my apartment, and moreover I thought he had infiltrated it in. I approached the person to see who he really was.

"How can you ..."

"Good morning." I hadn't finished my question and suddenly he turned and greeted me with a smile.

Of course I was surprised and confused. "Who are you? How can you come in here?"

I was very confused because he only smiled at me since earlier and didn't answer my question.

"Sorry, can't you hear?" I asked again while pointing at my ears if only he couldn't hear.

"Finally we meet." He said again then moved from his seat and stood in front of me. I also had to raise my head a little to look at him because he was taller than me.

"Do I know you?" I ask again, this time I hope he really answers it and tells who he really is.

"Mmmhhmm ..." he muttered while nodding then returned to smile.

Alright, I'm getting annoyed. He is a handsome man, I like to see his smile. But, he just infiltrated my apartment and tried to complicate the process of his introduction by playing hard to get like this.

"You have obeyed my request."

"Me?? What request? I've never even met you before." I'm getting more confused by this ridiculous situation. Hahahahahaha oh thunder, you can struck me now.

"Yo've thrown my message away."

Deg! So ... Is he ... "You are ..." I'm sure the look on my face is currently inversely proportional to his face which had been very calm and full of smile.

"You helped me escape."

"So ... Who are you? And where did you come from? How do you know me? Addition ... How can you get into my apartment? Answer! You better answer it because right now I just want to take a quick shower and go to college."

He laughed briefly then sighed. He sat back at my dining table and this time I sat in front of him.

"Alright ... Before everything, I apologized to you for disturbing you lately with my papers. I've waited very long for you to follow what I asked for in the letter. And finally last night you did it. My name is Ahn JaeHyun. I ... Come from a very far away place. It's so far away, you probably won't believe it."

"Then what do you mean if I helped you escape?"

JaeHyun seemed to think for a while before answering this one question, "You don't need to think about it." Then he smiled at a glance, "I've been watching you for a long time. JiWon... I want you to be my girlfriend."

"Uhuukkk! Uhhhuukkk! What are you saying?? Uhhukk!" I choked on my drink just when he said the word "my girlfriend." "I really don't understand what you are doing right now. You are crazy. You better get out of my apartment right now." I moved from my seat and headed to my room. Bathing and going to campus today is far more important than hearing all this madness.

"Okay, you will understand later. I'll see you again." I turned around for a moment as he said goodbye with his smile then immediately entered my room no matter if he really left or not.


* Author pov

"Do you want to go to campus now?"

"What are you doing here ?!" JiWon was surprised when she had just come out of her apartment building and found JaeHyun who was leaning against a door next to the building.

"Now I'm not in your apartment, right? I want to come with you to your campus."

"My campus is only for women."

"Then how can your friend David studying there?"

"What do you know about David?"

"I've only seen him there."

"David is an exchange student from Canada. So he has special rights there. You can't." JiWon explained curtly then passed to the bus stop across the street.

"You don't need to worry." JaeHyun said with a smile that made JiWon suspicious. "Are you still angry with me?" JaeHyun took his place next to JiWon, the bus began to head off.

JiWon sighed, "I don't know if I should be angry or not. You're the first thing that made me start my day badly. And you are also the answer to my question so far about the letter." Clearly JiWon was much calmer than before.

"Hhhhmm ... About being my girlfriend ..." JaeHyun paused before continuing, JiWon suddenly turned to JaeHyun, "I'm not really serious. Um, it's not really serious, I mean I'm serious but don't ask you to decide now."

"You think having such a close relationship is as easy as you just asking me to be your girlfriend? I don't even know who you are. And you act like you know me."

"If you allow me to explain everything slowly, then slowly you will understand. I understand how surprised you were with my arrival this morning with everything I said. I know you definitely won't believe it. I started very badly."

"Then, thank God, you realize it. You are very lucky I did not call the police to arrest you."

"I'm sorry ..." JaeHyun's tone began to lower and then looked away from JiWon.

JiWon again could only sigh and didn't respond to JaeHyun anymore.

The bus they were riding is finally arrived at E-University, the university where JiWon attended. They also pay then get off the bus.

"Why are you still here? I already said you can't ... "

"Ahn JaeHyun. Welcome to E-University." JiWon turned towards the voice coming from behind her. Her eyes looked twice as big when she saw the person standing behind her. Mr. SungKi, Chair of the English Department. The department that JiWon is taking right now. JiWon automatically bends 90 degrees.

JaeHyun threw his distinctive smile at Mr. SungKi then he bowed.

With confusion JiWon turned around and pointed towards JaeHyun and SungKi as much as possible. She hope that all this had not really happened.

"You came very early, JaeHyun. This is your student's identity card." JaeHyun received his identity card from Mr. SungKi. "We still don't believe that the university's biggest child donors are exchange students here. We are very happy to welcome you here."

"I'm also very happy to be able to visit here."

"Ms. JiWon. You will accompany JaeHyun today to introduce the E-University environment. I hope you treat him very well. Once again I say welcome and congratulations on joining our university." Mr. SungKi congratulated him and then left JaeHyun and JiWon who were still in front of the university gate.

"Enggggg ... What ... ?? I ...?" JiWon really didn't believe what she had just heard. It's inversely proportional to JaeHyun who currently looks very happy.


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