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* JiWon pov

"Explanation. Right now." I decided to start my studies by sitting with JaeHyun on the other side of my faculty building to ask for an explanation of everything that had happened to me since this morning. All this because of the appearance of this strange person.

"Where do you want me to start?"

"You should already know where to start explaining everything."

"Will you believeit if I say I'm not from earth?"

"Hmmm? Then where do you come from if it's not earth? Mars? Jupiter?" I asked to tease his weirdness.

"This might sound like fantasy novels that you often read."

"Heeeyy! How far have you observe me, huh ??" I cut him again after hearing that he even knew I liked reading fantasy stories.

"Don't keep cutting my explanation." Suddenly JaeHyun smothered my mouth and spoke in a more serious tone. I quickly nodded in affirmation because at this moment his face was just inches ahead of my face. Then JaeHyun took off his arm and returned to sit at a distance like before.

"I live in Blanchland. A country very far from the earth. Anyone, even humans will never know where Blanchland is. There, I can pay attention to all the events on other planets, especially the earth. At that time, I was very interested in earth. Too unique. So I always spend my free time to see what's happening here. Even once I go secretly from Blanchland to see the earth directly."

"What did you do on earth?" Well, so far let's believe it first. Yes ... It doesn't hurt to think of it as strange because everything sounds implausible from the start. But, it is possible that he did not lie about this.

"I came to protect you from something ... It could be someone ... from an incident. Maybe it will happen later."

"Protect me? Are you like having the ability to see the future ...?"

"No." JaeHyun shook his head, he was still serious. "I only know it. This is too complicated. Slowly you will understand if you let me be with you for some time."

I shudder at a glance to hear it. "Hhhmm ... It's not like i'm not trusting you, but are you sure everything you say is not a lie just because you want me to be your girlfriend?"

"Blanchland people can go anywhere and anytime. We have many special abilities that are difficult for humans, especially you to believe."


JaeHyun sighed briefly before continuing, "Remember the exchange student matter and how do I have that identity card?" I nodded. "I can make it as if the faculty chairman recognized me, I made up about the donor's child and changed a little of his memory about it. And because it's Korea, I adjusted my name to Ahn JaeHyun. In Blanchland my name is Terrowin Hoverhand, foster child of Mr. Aimster, and a Law Holder."

"Law ... Holder?" I wrinkled my forehead not understanding.

"Law Holders are those who maintain the law at Blanchland. We have the authority to decide the appropriate sentence for people who are guilty according to the Law's rules, hhhhmmmm well, if in Korea, The Law is like a Constitution. "

"That means you have a significant role there?"

"Yes, quite important."

"So ... For someone who is very knowledgeable about the law, does your country infiltrate other people's house and make their morning bad are not breaking the law ???" I was still quite annoyed with the incident this morning and bringing it up again.

"Hahahahahaha! You are very funny." JaeHyun laughed for a moment then get up from his seat and sighed in relief.

"So, because I came to you for a good cause, you should start believing me and not consider me a strange person. I'm serious."

"Why should I trust the person I just met 4 hours ago?"

"Because the person you just met 4 hours ago will be your protector and you will thank me. You have to trust me. It all sounds unreal to you, you will understand it over time." JaeHyun nodded his head at a glance and gave a convincing look. "You will realize that I am not a strange person and that is what I always see from your eyes every time you start to get upset with me."

I don't respond anymore. I can only be silent and continue to feel this is all between reality and mere imagination.

"You don't have to think much. Think of me as your friend, maybe like YeWon, or JoonYoung, or ... David? "

"David is not a friend. He is just disgusting. "

"It's better if you follow what Mr. SungKi wants you to do. Take me walk around this campus environment, hm?"

"Don't you have super powers? I'm sure you understand every corner of this campus." I just walked away from him. I won't be surprised if he follows me wherever I go.


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