:Chapter 6:

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“Moe calm down… he’s probably still asleep!”


“Moe i-it won't be for long I promi-”


Spyke moaned as the arguing pair from down the hall dragged him out of his slumber, dragging his hand across the silky blanket until he found his hand on his forehead, gently caressing it until his vision steadied. He hummed as he sat up, letting the blanket slide down his bare chest and piling up over his hands, which now rested on his lap.

He blinked, trying to filter out the bickering that went on outside of the guest room by examining what was inside of it; since there was enough light in it to see now. The walls were a faded denim blue, a rather tacky yet soothing color to chose for a wall color in his opinion, with even tackier curtains to boot. By closer examination through the dust that gathered on them, they were a faded yellow with a lace like pattern on the bottom of them. Both of the windows in the room also had a set of blinds in case the dingy yellow curtains needed a wash, or when curtains rack were to fall over.

The bed frame had a cherry red finish to the wood, adding a minimalist touch to the room along with its basic shape, and was quite frankly the most bearable part of the room other than the blinds. There was also a lamp, sitting on a side table with the exact same finish. Upon closer inspection, Spyke quickly figured out that it didn't even have a lightbulb in it despite being plugged in.

Before Spyke's eyes could scan the room once more, a soft gentle whirring sound caught his attention; eyes immediately landing on the wadded pair of pants on the floor. The short, gentle vibration usually meant that Spyke received a special order request from someone in the plaza. But Spyke knew that inklings haven't ordered anything from him for quite a while, sparking curiosity as to what the notification was for. Spyke began to leave to bed to retrieve his phone, quickly stopping in a sudden reminder of his current state.

He was naked.

Very, very naked.

Spyke gulped, holding the blanket around his waist as he lept out of bed, kneeling down to the wadded pants searching for his phone. A short while later, he yanked the phone out of his pocket, quickly returning to the bed with the object in hand.

Pulling the blanket back over his exposed body, Spyke unlocked his phone, curious to see who these notifications came from.

Spyke hummed, noticing that the notification came from someone he, for once, added to his phone. He stared at the contact name in a bit of confusion, mouthing out the name as his eyes slowly scanned the contact. “Jaque…” he hummed once more, reluctantly opening the contact and read the text this person sent them.

“Salut mon amie! I saw you walk by my stand yesterday in a bit of a funk. Is everything alright?”

Spyke scrunched his eyebrows, deciding to go along with this person’s concern as he slowly composed a response.

“Yeah, I guess I feel a bit better now.” Spyke typed, slowly considering a second half of his response. “I’m sorry if I sound rude or anything but… do I know you or anything?”

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