:Chapter 8:

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The next five days was a continuous cycle of practicing, and trying to calm Moe down around Spyke.

The mornings started off with Annie dragging herself out of bed to tell Moe about the upcoming event that they were preparing to leave for very soon and he had to be on his best behavior while he was with her and Spyke while they were away from inkopilis, much to his dismay.

Then after the short quarrel, she would get dressed and head down to Spyke’s room to see if he was awake yet, mostly he already was out in kitchen; fully dressed and making coffee with some of the bottled water supply. But when he wasn’t Annie would walk over to his bedside, and gently shake him awake. Usually earning an annoyed moan or two before he actually sat up.

The two would talk for a short while before she left his room, in order for him to get dressed. And after a quick morning meal, Annie would head with Spyke outside to the plaza and force him to warm up his body by jogging around the area for a while.

Later on they would head back to the apartment and moved the furniture around so Spyke could practice his routine.

It was basically like this for every single day. And finally the two were taking a break from it all today.

Because today was the day that they were heading out to Calamari County, a trip that would last about seven train rides, each ride ranged between about an hour and a half to two hours. A trip that’s truly exhausting conceptually.

Fortunately, this was their fifth train ride and judging by the sun peeking over the horizon, It would be fairly dark by the time they arrived.

Annie sighed as she gently rolled her suitcase back and forth with one hand while she held her phone in the other, using the free wifi the locomotive provided for… well… free. She scrolled through her Squitter feed, reading each and every post she was tagged in wishing her and Spyke luck with their endeavors within the county.

“Hey Annie! I heard the news that you and Spyke are heading to Calamari! I’ll be watching the feed of the talent competition live and I wish the two of you the best! You OWN it Spykie!”

“Annie! Jelonzo and Crusty Sean told me everything that has been happening for the past few days! No wonder why you haven't been talking to me in a while! And I’ve always wanted to go to Calamari too to learn more about their history and such… But I digress! Keep me and the other proprietors updated okay?”

“Hey Annie! Give my warm regards to Spyke for me! I’m still flabbergasted that my old friend is actually entering that competition! Have fun in Calamari!”

“Hah! Rumors spread fast now don’t they? Good luck to you two, Annie and Spyke!”

Annie chuckled, she was so far away from home by now. But reading all of those posts made her feel at home. With all of her friends and clients cheering her and her friend on. It made her feel better about the situation as a whole. She kept scrolling through the feed until she stopped on a certain post that struck a somewhat familiar articulation.

“OMG! Marie just told me that you two were trending on squidder, and I just HAD to check it out only to see that you’re ACTUALLY COMING TO CALAMARI! I CAN’T wait to meet you both!!!”

Annie then turned to Spyke, who was staring at the scenery outside the window of the train. “Hey.” Annie reached out and shook the arm that Spyke was using to hold up his head as he daydreamed. “It looks like the Squid Sisters caught wind of our trip.”

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