:Chapter 11:

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“Wot is it, love?”

“T-This Is weird.”

“Wot’s weird?”

Annie frantically examined Spyke’s injured hand, only to see that it was exactly the same as it was the last time she replaced his bandages. “Y-You said that it hurt last night, right?”

“Yeah?” Spyke cocked his head to the side. “But I told you it was the gravel love, it’s nothing worth sweatin’ over y’know.”

“I-I know but….” Annie turned his hand over, making sure she went over every last inch of the skin on his hand. “T-That gravel shouldn’t of agitated your hand if all the shards of glass from last week was removed. It should of prodded at it, sure, causing a tiny bit of pain, but it wouldn’t of caused a lasting pain on you like it did.” Her fingers traced the slightly discolored skin marks of the now healed scars on his hand, a worried look plagued her eyes. “A-Are you sure that you’re okay?”

“Oh, totally.” He smiled, placing his free hand over the hand that grazed his injuries. “I swear that it’s nothing to worry about love.”

Annie looked up at Spyke, a sigh escaping her lips. “O-Okay…” She muttered out, giving him a slow yet subtle nod. “B-But promise me that you won’t push yourself when using this hand… A-Alright?”

“I’ll do my best.”

“Thank god.” Annie sighed once more, reaching for the adhesive gauze she dug out of her bag moments ago. “I-I know it seems pretty redundant to re-wrap your hand now but…” She paused in the middle of her muttering as she took his large, injured hand once more, brushing away the other one that held hers in place as she proceeded to wrap the bandages around it. “It’s just as a reminder to be careful this time around.”

Spyke stood there, in the middle of the stage at the large, empty auditorium; gazing at the wrapped up hand of his. “Be careful this time ‘round, eh?” He uttered the words that Annie told him the day before. He stood there in thought before his eyes trailed up to the rows of seats surrounding the area, gulping at the intimidating view before him. “I-I don’t know if I…”


Spyke jumped as he heard his name being called, folding his hands behind his back as he watched a familiar figure run towards him. “W-What are you doing out here dude! Callie and Marie are wondering why you’re not in your changing room!”

“O-oh!” Spyke stammered as he reached up and stroked his flushed cheek. “I was just going for a walk love. That’s all…”

“Well you could've told one of us before you went!”

“Hah…” Spyke gulped, his cheeks remained slightly flushed. “Musta not of crossed my mind… Sorry love…”

Annie sighed, reaching up and attempted to grab Spykes arm, making him retaliate from this action. Annie huffed as she regained her balance, folding her arms as she glared up at the Urchin who stared down at her with a bit of a blank look in his eye. “Dude what’s up?” Annie grunted.

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