:Chapter 9:

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Spyke groggily stirred as he forced himself awake, moaning as he pushed himself up into a sitting position. The sheets that covered him up to his shoulders slid down into his lap. He squinted as his eyes scanned the small sunlit room.

The room was rather humble in its size, containing bare necessity a hotel room usually had; a dresser, a small television, a small refrigerator and other than the bathroom, a singular bed. It was a room rather suit for one person than the two that occupied it. The squid sisters greatly apologized about this inconvenience, but the rooms were first come, first served, and practically every contestant showed up before he and Annie did.

Speaking of which… where was Annie?

Spyke looked around the bedded area, his eyes still half opened. She was obviously not in the bed with him, knowing her. His finger brushed past his phone, swiping up in one smooth motion to check the time. “11:30 in the mornin’ eh?” He muttered to himself. “Annie must be awake already if anyfin… Prolly having breakfast or brunch or… somefin. I should get up and meet up with her.” He flung the blanket of of his mostly exposed body and was about to hop out of the bed when he noticed that someone was lying down on the floor at the bedside. He chuckled. “Nevermind that.”

He carefully placed his foot on the anemone’s back, gently shaking her in an attempt to wake her up. Annie moaned as she rolled over, slowly opening her eyes in a similar fashion that Spyke did. Spyke greeted her with a warm smile. “Mornin’ love!”

Annie sat up, rubbing one of her large blue eyes in hopes it will wake her up quicker. “Good morning… Spyke…” She muttered. “W-What time is it…”

“It’s half past eleven.” He chuckled as he watched her eyes widen. “It’s prolly too late to get breakfast. But that doesn’t matter anyways, right?”

Annie sighed. “I-I guess so.” She rolled her shoulders, still trying to pull herself out of her sleepy state. “But our morning is basically gone now… right? What about training? It’s only a matter of time until the competition you know!”

“Yeah I know.” Spyke shrugged. “But we’re only here for a few days right? Could we at least take a day to sightsee and such?”

“I suppose…” Annie hugged her knees and allowed Spyke to leave the bed. “Sweet!” Spyke smiled, walking over to his luggage and yanked out a couple pieces of clothing before rushing into the bathroom. “I just need to get dressed and then we could start our day, okay love?”

“Sure thing.” Annie smiled as she watched the urchin disappear into the bathroom, leaving her alone in the main portion of the suite. She stood up and stretched out her arms and her back, breathing in the rooms stuffy air. She walked over to Moe’s bowl, which for the duration of this trip, was rather small and made of cheap plastic. “Hey Moe…”

Moe groaned, propping himself up on the bowls plastic rim. “What’s up nerd.”

“Spyke and I are making last minute plans to sightsee today.” She huffed as she reached for her pair of glasses that were conveniently propped up against the bowl. “Is there any chance that you want to come with us?”


“Thought so.” Annie walked up to the television set, swiftly pressing the power button on the unit while snatching up the remote. “I’ll put somethin’ on to keep you entertained, okay Moe?”

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