:Chapter 10:

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Annie gripped her skirt tightly as she struggled to keep up with the urchin who was walking at an oddly fast pace, her small legs struggling to keep up with Spyke’s significantly longer ones. “Spyke!” She called out, scurrying her way up to him as best as she could. “Y-You said this was going to be a walk!”

Spyke suddenly stopped walking, allowing the short anemone to catch up to him. He gently brushed his fingers against his revealed cheeks, slightly blushing in a bit of embarrassment. “Hah… Sorry there love.” He chuckled, lowering his hand from his cheek and tucked both of them into his jean pockets. “You said that the walk wouldn’t last long, so I’m just tryin’ to cover as much of this vista as I could, y’know?”

“Yeah, Y-yeah!” Annie now stood next to Spyke, panting from vigorously trying to catch up with him. “J-Just slow down a bit, okay? M-my legs can’t keep up with yours y’know.”

“O-Oh…” Spyke’s blush grew darker. “A-Again sorry… I-I’ll try my best to slow down, I-I just…” He gulped before shaking his head. “N-Nevermind… I’ll tell you when we get there.”

“Get wh-”

Before Annie could finish her question, Spyke removed a hand from his pocket and grabbed her wrist and continued along, almost at the same pace as he was before; making her yelp in surprise. “S-Spyke!” She shouted, nearly falling over as Spyke nearly yanked her off of her feet. “I-I told you to slow down! A-And what do you mean by ‘I’ll tell you when we get there’ ?” She stammered as she looked up to the Urchin who dragged her along, grunting silently as she didn’t receive a response.

“Spyke! C-Can you even hear me?”

Spyke only let out a sigh as he pulled Annie up onto the grass and near a large, glowing tree, positioning her by its large trunk. “Sit.”

Annie stared at him, a confused look painted her face. “Spyke, what are you-” She suddenly felt pressure on her shoulders, trying to nudge her down in a sitting position. She sighed, finally obliging to his order. Spyke kneeled down, carefully removing his jacket as he did so. He carefully wrapped the leather garment around her, making sure she was as comfortable as possible. He then stood up and pulled his phone out of one of his pockets, reenacting a somewhat familiar scene as he placed the phone up against the same large root that Annie leaned against, running out towards the graveled pavement as a familiar song began to flow through the speakers of the device.

“S-Spyke…?” Annie muttered as she witnessed the urchin repeating a familiar set of movements. She clutched the jacket as her cheeks became red. ‘W-What is he doing? I thought he said to skip out on practice for today…’

His movements were much like the ones she first saw back at inkopilis nights before, a mixture of elegance and modernization was in each inch of movements. But… they were more confident and smooth, occasionally implementing a bit of a ‘Hip-Hop’ style within the routine. From that night and now, almost ten days later, there was a significant margin of improvement with his technique. But something still stuck with his movements, and it was the, probably unintentional, seductive flare within his movements. It was what drove Annie to record him in the first place. She was captivated by his motions.

‘D-Damn it!’ Annie’s blush grew even darker as she buried her face into his jacket. ‘I-I don’t get why he’s doing this! Did he notice how I’ve been acting during his training!?’ Annie shook her head, letting a deep sigh push through the wrinkles of the jacket and past her glasses. ‘Dear god I hope not. I-I might be overthinking this… Maybe he just wants to show me how much he’s improved… o-or something? Y-yeah… That maybe it... But why tonight? Why here of all places? Why-’ She scrunched her eyebrows. ‘Damn it Annie, s-stop over thinking this already!’

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