:Chapter 14:

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Weeks have passed, Annie and Moe finally came to the agreement of letting Spyke live with the two; much to Moe’s protests,even after getting to know him through the time that they already spent together. But eventually, the fish learned to tolerate the urchin being a permanent member of the household, despite the occasional quarrels that go on between the three.

Spyke still slept in the gaudy guest room, while Annie still slept in hers. She did occasionally sneak into the guest room, with a blanket slung over her shoulder whenever she felt lonely, squeezing her way onto the one person bed and snuggled up against him while he slept. Most of the time he didn't notice, but when he did, he would toss his blanket over her before pulling her closer to him, letting out a soft chuckle or two as he did so. It was like that since the night he became a permanent resident of the household.

And alongside permanent residency, there was a major shift in Spyke’s business; moving his outdoor gig to an indoor place was quite difficult thing to achieve overall. And Moe still treated the customers poorly, which hurt his income greatly. But he still made enough to help pay his share of the rent of the building, along side with the repairment of the water pipes, and the replacement doorway to the front of the shop. Which was all that honestly mattered at that point.

Other than the girl he now spent more time than he ever expected with.

Spyke slouched back into the hard wooden bench that was recently built and placed where his former post was, his eyes drifted up to the sky, watching the glowing particles that rise from the ground as they fluttered up into the night sky. He let out the sigh, trying his best to drown out the world around him while he sat there, an arm lazily wrapped around his date.

This lazy posture caught Annie’s attention, making her lean against him, relaxing as best as she could while looking at him with a hint of concern. “Spyke…” She whimpered taking a deep breath as she relaxed her shoulders. “You seem a little off… Everything okay?”

Spyke sighed once more. “Yeah yeah… Everyfing is alright.” He let out a small yawn. “I’m just a bit tired, that’s all love. It’s just hard adjusting to this new life, yeah?”

“I-I see where you’re coming from there…” Annie muttered, returning his yawn with one of her own. “It’s been hard for me too… B-But it’ll get better… right?”

A small smile creeped up on his lips. “But it already has though…” He pulled her closer to him, letting a few chuckles pass his lips. “... I mean you have been making my days brighter ever since we got back y’know.”

Annie's face went red. “S-SPYKE!!!”

“Y’cant deny wot’s the truth there love.” Spyke rustled her hair, the sluggish tone within his voice had a bit of a flirtatious flare now.

“W-Well… I-I…” Annie gulped, slightly relieved that Moe was back in her room, sleeping the night away while she was out and about.

Spyke gave her a warm smile. “Y’know, I don't think I ever told ya this love, but ya look like an angel when you’re all flustered.”

“I-I think tha-at’s enough Spyke.”

Spyke laughed once more as he sat up, pulling the sea anemone into his lap as he rested his chin on top of her head. A pause lingered between the two as they listened to Callie and Marie as they sung their hearts out to the inklings out in the plaza.

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