:Chapter 13:

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Annie paced around the waiting room of the ER of the Calamari County hospital, Callie and Marie sat down nearby; trying their best not to pass out as their new friend was panicking. Annie fled the indoor backstage area of the outdoor auditorium as soon as the competition ended and bolted straight to the facility, far too worried to take a cab or wait to have the cousins to escort her there. And she hasn't sat down since then.

Meanwhile, the squid idols spent at least another half an hour or so congratulating the winners of the competition, and thanking everyone who came; sending them off with a selfie or two or at the least an autograph to remember the night by, eventually dragging themselves to the hospital to check up on Spyke. They found that Annie was pacing around the waiting room, waiting for the 'okay’ from the doctor to let her see him again. Both of the squids decided to keep quiet, in the indication of her possibly snapping under all of this stress and worry that the night has caused her.

The night has been one hell of a turn of events after all.

Callie leaned onto Marie’s shoulder, letting out a small yawn as she struggled to keep her eyes open. “Mariiiiiiieeee…” Callie moaned, her already poor posture slumped further into her seat. “I'm soooo tireeeed.”

Marie hummed resting her elbow on the armrest of the cushioned chair, her hand nonchalantly placed under her chin. “Huh…” She let out a small yawn. “That’s the first time I’ve ever heard that from you Cal...”

Callie huffed. “Ma riiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee… 

“If you’re so tired Cal, you could just rest your eyes for a bit.” Marie sighed. “You big baby.”

“ Mariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeee… 

Marie laughed at her cousin's antics, shrugging her shoulders while she shook her head; feeling Callie’s face burry into her arm with each chuckle she let out, sprawling further out of her seating area. Marie noticed this and tried her best to suppress the rest of her laughing fit to try and pull Callie back into her seat. “Hey! Hey!” Marie said, grabbing ahold of her cousin's waistline and sitting her up in a more acceptable seating position, while she moaned with protest. “You were about to kick over the trophy that fish boy’s chillin’ in.”

Callie turned her head to where her white tentacled partner in crime pointed to, only to let out a gasp when she saw Moe, glaring up at the two. “O-Oh shit…” She muttered, turning her whole body towards the fish. “I-I’m sorry!”

Moe tisked, shaking his head. “I have name you know.”

Marie leaned over, looking around Callie with an apologetic look on her face. “Sorry Moe.” She gave him a small smile in an attempt to calm down the already somewhat peeved fish. “It’s just been one crazy night and this boob here just wants to hit the hay and get the night over with.”

Callie turned around and shot a glare at Marie. “Do notcall me a boob.”

“Whatever, boob.” Marie rolled her eyes, shaking her head once more. “But we made a promise to congratulate all the winners of tonights competition.”

“Well…” Moe leaned over the brim of the chalice shaped trophy, his fins folded beneath his chin. “Could it wait until tomorrow or something? I’ve already got that mess to deal with y’know.” Moe bobbed his head in the direction of where Annie was.

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