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This happened a few millennia before, before the actual gods of destruction were even born, before we were divided, before some universes even existed, even before the super dragon balls were even made.

My father, Daishinkan was created by Zalama, the limitless God, the task was simple, take care of Zeno-sama the day he was no longer part of this world. Of course my father accepted, after all, that was the reason of his creation. With time, Zalama also created him a partner, a wife, Wainea.

My father loved her more than anything and she loved him as much.

With time Zalama and Zeno-sama wanted to create more life, but fragile life, they wanted to create mortals, with time, together, they created their first pair of universes, Universe 1 and Universe 12. But there was a problem, who would take care of the God of destruction? Who would guide him? After all, a God of creation had a simple task: create and improve the mortals of its universe. But a god of destruction... when would he destroy? When would he fight? When would he keep life? So they decided to create a help, a guide who would help the god; that's how our brother and sister Awamo and Martinu were born.

And that keep happening until the universes were completely created, some were created with its pair others had to wait to have its pair.

After the creation of the 18 universes Zalama sacrificed himself to make the super dragon balls and the responsibility of observe the universes fell upon Zeno-sama.

Suddenly one day, it happened, our mother became mad and tried to take Zeno-sama's place, claiming he was only a little boy and a brat, that he wasn't the best choice to look for and to protect the eighteen universes and that the Angels shouldn't be the assistants of the gods, that we should be the gods. Zeno-sama's powers are unlimited but he can't destroy what he didn't create, and he didn't create our mother.

When we realized what was happening we, the eighteen angels, tried to stop her but we couldn't. She was so strong and father wouldn't hurt her so we had to do the necessary... we locked her away...

...that broke our father's heart.

The only way to brake the seal that kept her locked was with at least nine Angels, the half of us. But we vowed to never do that unless necessary.

Nevertheless, some angels did agreed with what our mother thought.

Some time passed, some thousand million years and our mother wasn't even a memory anymore.

After awhile some angels realized about something strange, twelve universes had its pair but six of them didn't, at first no one cared until Zeno-sama realized it was easier to just watch over twelve universes, who had close alike instead of just watch the 18 universes separately.

You may think that there is no difference if Zeno-sama watches or not but there is a difference. The universes that weren't observed by Zeno-sama... all the life and cosmic bodies started to die, planets, suns, everything was dying slowly and, at the same time, so painfully.

After sometime the angels of those universes got angry and tried to reveal themselves, those were only six angels. Remembering what had happened with our mother Zeno-sama thought in the best option, if there is no Universe, then there is no God of destruction and if there is no God of destruction, the angel would fall asleep.

Angry, Zeno-sama erased the universes of the Angels that had revealed against him, and make sure to never bring them back.

There was peace until Android 17 asked his wish, and no one was aware that the super dragon balls would bring those dangerous universes back.


I'm so sorry I haven't upload anything new! I was studying for my final tests (guess who got 8 and 7.5 :3) and right when I finished the trimester I started working and well... I just got free and could take a little break and have some rest before starting college again.

Welp, how about you? Got some rest? Got to celebrate with your family?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I honestly liked writing it (I like flashback chapters, I can't help it ^.^UUUu).

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