A Sister's Feeling

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It was dark, night time. Some fighters stopped training and decided to relax, today had been a hard day.

Luckily Bulma had plenty room for all those people.

Vados was in her room, Bulma said she ordered some clothes for her but Vados kept using her usual angel uniform, besides she didn't need to sleep. In the other hand, she was thanked that she had her own space, she needed to think, to clear her mind a little.

"Everything in order?" Vados turned and there was Hit leaning against the door frame.

"More or less" she started "I can't believe what is happening"

"Still thinking about the traitors?" he asked.

"Yeah..." she said "how will we know who is a traitor?"

"Try to think about which of your siblings have had a weird behavior ever since the tournament" he said walking in and siting on the bed "what about Marcarita? She came out of nowhere"

"She is sassy, arrogant, a brat and cocky" Vados said sitting next to Hit "but she's also honest... very honest, she wouldn't have come, she would have declared herself in their side since the very beginning of all of this"

"Hmm..." he said with a hand on his chin, thinking "according to what you said before, those angels believe that are more important than any mortal or god, that of course takes Whiss, Cus and you out of this"

"You thought about me?" she asked... how to say it... like, when your girlfriend gives you a teasing question that she makes it sound like a joke but is serious so you have to answer with an amazing precision?

"You don't think like that, nor Whiss or Cus, so I'm taking out everyone who thinks like you" ladies and gentlemen, the perks of being more than a thousand years old, you know how to answer any question.

"Oh" she said kissing his cheek.

"Mmm..." he was still thinking "I remember this angel when his universe got erased"

"Which of them?"

"The first universe to be erased" Hit responded "Universe Nine, Mojito"

"You are right!" Vados wrapped her arms around his neck.

Someone knocked the door.

"Uhm... I'm sorry to interrupt, but... miss Bulma has lots of food down there and you haven't gone so..." called Cus in the entrance of the room.

"We are coming!" said Vados.

Hit was the first one to exit the room, Vados followed but was stopped by Cus.

"Sister, remember that there are rules" Cus whispered to her sister holding her arm.

"Don't be alarmed" said Vados smiling and walking away.

Cus didn't like that.

Okay I finished trimester yesterday and I did it! I passed almost all my subjects (and the one I didn't pass, hey, only 4 out of 23 passed!!!)

I realized something, I published the last chapter on April 3th and I published the story on that date but in 2018! I can't believe how time flies!

I won't enroll summer classes this year (I haven't done that in three years, I'm so happy ToT) so I definitely will have more time to publish!

Uhmmmm... oh! Did any of you liked the end of GoT? It kind of felt... well... Jaime's character development went straight to hell and went back to the woman that hired a hitman to kill him, Cersei's death needed more blood and pain, I don't get why they brought all that  'Jon Snow is Aegon Targaryen, the rightful heir to the Iron Throne', in the end it did nothing for the plot! Daenerys end... I believe that if the season would have been longer or they make at least two seasons (one for the white walkers arc and other for Cersei's arc, that's other of my problems with this season) they could have develop things better, one of the many things that felt rushed this season was Daenerys' madness, like okay, fine, she becomes insane like her father, at least let us see a transformation not just she became mad from one second to another. And there ends my version of 'why the finale sucked', I'm sorry if you guys are tired of that, but I kind of needed to let it out.

I think that's all!

Hope you liked the story so far!

Divided Dbs/Dbz (Hit x Vados)Where stories live. Discover now