Looking for allieds pt1

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Warning: this chapter is a little PG-13, coarse lenguaje and mention of a sexual situation.

The next day the four Angels divided themselves in two groups of two. Whiss with Cus and Vados with Marcarita.

Whiss and Cuss would look in the universes one to four and Universe Six Supreme Kaio. Vados and Marcarita would look for universes five, eight, nine and twelve and Universe Ten Supreme Kaio.

"Brother, why did you sent Vados and Marcarita together?" asked Cus with an adorable innocent face.

"Don't you think that I want to spend some quality time with you?" asked Whiss smiling at her.

"You just wanted to annoy them, don't you?"

After a few seconds of silence both of them bursted in laugh.

How were their sisters doing? Nobody knows.

Meanwhile with Vados and Marcarita, they were flying throughout space entering Universe Five without talking.

"Why a mortal?" asked Marcarita after all that silence looking at her sister from the corner of her eye.

"He's different" Vados responded without looking at her.

"That's what any other woman responds" Marcarita said again now completely facing her, she knew her sister wasn't like any other woman, so she wanted a real answer "tell me the truth"

Vados sighed "He's more than a thousand years old" she replied "and he's... quiet yet he knows exactly what to say and he's so focused on what has to be done and what he have to do" she smiled "I have never meet someone like that"

Marcarita was quiet, she had never seen her sister like this.

"Now that you talk about it..." said Vados "why the clown?"

"I don't know what are you talking about..." said Marcarita looking forwards.

"In the morning I went to the kitchen" said Vados.

"And you're mentioning that because...?" said Marcarita raising a brow.

"I heard some... strange noises" said Vados as Marcarita started to blush "and I think those were... person's noises... someone needed air" continued 'thoughtful' "moans perhaps?"

"Okay, okay, I got it" interrupted Marcarita "I'm noisy"

There were some minutes of silence.

"I knew that in someway you were a slut".

Marcarita didn't say a thing as her face took a deeper shade of red.

After awhile they arrived to Universe Five.

They needed to speak to the God Arack and Cukatail. The planet was jungle-ish, the construction was the perfect representation of an abandoned centralamerican palace.

The God of destruction Arack was in the middle of the main room meditating, legs closed, hands on his knees, breathing calmly.

Cukatail was just there standing with her staff, until she heard someone knowing the palace doors. She left her staff standing still and went to the door.

Surprise, there were two of her sisters.

"Sister!" said both Marcarita and Vados at the same time greeting their sister.

"Sisters!" she greeted back.

"Would you mind if we go in?" asked Marcarita pointing behind Cukatail.

"Of course not, come" the larger angel responded taking one step to her side.

The three of them got in the palace and Marcarita and Vados saw Arack meditating peacefully in the middle of the room.

Okay, nothing out of the normal, thought Vados.

"Try not to make any noise, he's meditating and he gets angry when he is interrupted" Cukatail whispered. Both angels nodded. "So, tell me, what are you doing here? It's weird to see you without your gods"

"You see we were a-" Vados started until she was cut off.

"Asking about a reunion I wanted to make" Marcarita said interrupting Vados "you know, go, see which brothers are free and bored and then go and hang out for awhile, after all we haven't seen each other since the tournament and we couldn't even speak properly!"

What is she doing? thought a confused Vados.

"Oh, well" Cuckatail saw Arak for a second "he'll be back in a couple of minutes so I won't be free for that time, maybe other time, sorry"

"Aw, I really wanted you to go" said a 'disappointed' Marcarita "then we'll have to go, we don't want you to get in trouble" she started to take Vados with her to the entrance "come, other sister! Bye, Cukatail it was nice to talk to you!" Marcarita waved her hand already in the exit of the palace before shutting the door.

"Oh? Uh, bye sisters!" she said. Once alone, when she knew they weren't near, she took her staff and finally shut down Arak's hologram that she had made. "So, they were right" she whispered for herself "she is a traitor"

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! HAPPY HANUKKAH!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (If today is your birthday) and happy holidays if I missed any other celebration!!

Okay so... I can't excuse myself, I've been doing stuff at my house, helping my family with the preparation for the holidays but I did had time to update but I've been lazy.

Uhm, I don't know if you actually read this but I like to write so I'll still update about my life. I'm sick, I've had a flu and coughing since December 1st.

Oh! I watched the Rise of Skywalker on December 19th. Some of you won't like to read this, but I really liked this one! Okay it wasn't as good as the original trilogy (no movie will ever top them) but I liked it more than The Force Awakens. I think it explained a lot of things from TFA and TLJ. And the end... *SPOILER* I have mixed feelings! Like he should have survived but he also did plenty of bad things so he didn't deserved it, I don't know, he should have lived in exile but with her (and yes, since episode 8, I'm a Reylo shipper), in FanFiction.Net I wrote something about the end that I'll publish here in January when it's not so spoiler anymore and I'm writing something post-end that is Finn and Poe finding out about them *end of spoiler*

After having discussions with my university (I hate that place, at the beginning I liked it but then I realized the shithole I was getting in too late) I got to change my math teacher (welp, my brother got like his reputation and another teacher came and told him "he's gonna fuck you up, if I were you I'd let her change teacher", it had to be that way because for my university if you are a student then you are a dumb kid that only parties and gives a fuck about studies) after that bastard failed me two times for no apparent reason (and a trimester is not cheap!), but I proved my point to my math department, if the teacher I was with before was so good then why when I finally changed him I got 10 in my quiz and 9 in my test?

And I'm done, have you liked the story so far?

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