Looking for allieds prt2

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"What's wrong with you?" said an irritated Vados "why didn't you let me tell her what was happening? What if she joined us?"

"She was doing fine, she wasn't attacked" Marcarita responded serious looking forward.

"But what if-"

"If she wanted our help she would have asked for it" Marcarita cut of Vados "we have to keep going, now there is Universe Eight" there was a moment of silence "besides, we don't want people to know what we are doing; 'trust no one', remember?"

Vados nodded looking to her side not so sure yet convinced.

They arrived to Universe Eight. Liquiir's planet was woods-a-like. It was quiet...very quiet.

Vados and Marcarita landed and looked around tensed, no one was near, no one approached them... that was weird.

They wandered alert for awhile until two ki blasts almost hit them, luckily they were able to dodge just in time.

"Go away!" that scream was... Korm?! But he is always calm! He flew right to them and they could barely dodge him.

"Korn, what's so wrong with you?!" asked a pissed off Marcarita.

Korn was in his battle pose, arms up and crossed, staff in hand as a weapon and seprated legs, ready for anything.

"It's us! Vados and Marcarita!" yelled Vados with her arms on the air.

"Are you with them?" asked Korn still altered.

"No, actually they attacked us too" said Marcarita slowly.

"Which of them?"

"Kahla" said Marcarita.

"Colad" said Vados at the same time "did they tried to attack you?"

"Makkora" he replied.

"That bitch" whispered Marcarita "we are in planet Earth of Universe Seven"

"How many of you are yet?"

"Whiss, Cus, Marcarita and I" replied Vados "we are calling as many as we can"

"I see..." he said, then he started to speak to his staff "My lord, we are going to Universe Seven, some of my siblings are in there"

"You hid them in your staff? Good idea" said Marcarita.

"Yes, but I can't get out of here" said Korn shrugging.

"Wait, we first need to go to Universe Nine, while we are looking for people to join us" said Vados.

"Wait, you want to go to Mojito's Universe?" Korn asked and they nodded "...Mojito's?" he repeated slowly.

Vados and Marcarita looked at each other...

Mojito freaked them out sometimes.

"Yeah... you're right" said Vados "and we don't know if he's against or with us... it's hard to know when we are talking about Korn took Marcarita's and Vados' shoulder while they flew off the planet.

The travel was quiet and very tense, Korn didn't dare to say a word and Vados and Marcarita didn't feel like talking either. They stopped, looking at the border between universes.

"Mmmmm... Vados, you should wait with Korn before entering his Universe, and I will go and talk to him" said Marcarita.


"Mojito is... sneaky, when he see us together he will know that something is happening" she explained serious.

Korn and Vados nodded, she was right. They waited for her in the edge of Universe Nine.

Hey! Happy new year!!!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Uh, I honestly don't have anything relevant here uh... nope nothing

Who do you think was the traitor that Cuckatail said last chapter? Vados or Marcarita?

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