frozen •ch 1•

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(Y/N) limped through the snow, blood scattered across her body as a scar stretched across her left arm.

Her brother was lucky to give her time to escape the strange gang, but honestly she would have rather wanted them to kill her with the rest of her family.

As her head throbbed she continued her endless wander and escape through the thick snow.

The winter storm felt extremely cold against her skin, mainly because she didn't have time to grab any warm items before escaping.

Her worn boots slipped against the snow and she flopped forwards, only to lift herself off and brush off the snow.

Her (H/L) (H/C) hair was matted and blowing crazily in the wind with her torn up boot cut jeans.

She hated dresses, something about them made her cringe and she always felt it hard for her to ride her horse when dressed up for events.

She closed her eyes to try and block out the memory, but it was too fresh to stop. Grabbing her and dragging her to an hour ago where a group of men approached, she mounted her horse in attempt to run but one of the men shot it in the side. Her horse fell and she rolled to the side, a man grabbed her arm and dragged her into her cabin with her family while one of the men gave a glance to the man who shot her horse and said "let the wolves have a decent meal"

(Y/N) weakly hugged herself, the emotional pain of loosing her family and the horse she raised and loved was strong with her and made her feel powerless.

She fell down and curled into the fetal position, she wanted death to welcome her like it did to her family and horse. Her eyes closed slowly and she felt the snow begin to slip ontop of her


"Hey javier, is it just me or does that pile of snow over there look like something is under it?" A western voice broke out of the wind and woke (Y/N) up

She gave a groan and heard a horse's legs push through the snow
"Shit I think it's a person!" A second voice broke loose, a Mexican accent slipping in.

(Y/N) heard the sound of one of the two dismount and move towards her, a hand reached forward and brushed off snow and (Y/N) opened an eye and looked over to see a Mexican man standing over her "it's a lady! What's she doing out here!" He yelped before helping (Y/N) sit up

The second man wiped snow off his chin "I dunno, let's take her with us to find john than take her back to camp cause neither of us are going to find john alone while the other takes her to camp and if we dont go back to camp with John than Abigail will feed us to the wolves" he said

(Y/N) felt the Mexican man put his arm around her shoulder and help her to her feet. She swayed a bit but the man helped her regain balance and he lead her over to a grey and white horse. He mounted and then extended a hand for her. She took it and he helped her onto the horse while she weakly reacted her chest on his back

The man's horse began to move and the second man spoke up "I'm Arthur Morgan and the man your riding with is Javier escuella"

(Y/N) slightly lifted her head to see Arthur riding slightly ahead "I'm (Y/N) (L/N)" she said giving a sigh

Javier gave a glance back "what made you stuck up in that snow ms. (L/N)?"

(Y/N) gave a grunt "you can call me (Y/N)... but well... some gang, they came by and shot my horse, then dragged me into my cabin where my family was tied up, they killed them all but my brother and were going to kill my but he managed to break free of his rope and attack them, I ran off but heard gunshots not too long after"

Arthur gave a sign "those must have been the o' driscolls.. they killed a women's husband, Sadie Adler, shes with us now though, and I reckon you might be too"

Javier slowed his horse down as they neared a trench "your family have horses?"

(Y/N) nodded and gave a cough "well...did... something spooked them one night and all of them ran off other than mine, not too long later we found their corpses, one with a bear, another with some wolves, and the last being picked apart by a cougar and some vultares."

Javier nodded "well... I'm sorry for your loss"

Arthur glanced over to a mountain side "me too."

Javier and Arthur continued riding ahead until Javier's horse began to spook, a gut wrenching smell approaching the three

Javier moved up to the remains of a horse and Arthur gagged

"John was riding that horse when we left blackwater" Javier said uneasily. He looked over to Arthur

Javier slipped his hand back and pulled out a pistol "lets see if he can hear us" he raised it to the sky and fired some bullets, the horses giving a few jumps.

A shout echoed around the mountain and Javier whipped his reins "come on... up there!" He turned his horse and the Javier lead Arthur up a slope.

Not too long later Javier stopped his horse and dismounted "Its coming from up ahead somewhere" he gave his horse a pat and looked back to Arthur "I dont think we can go much further on the horses. We'll have to walk from here "

While Arthur dismounted Javier glanced back to him "I'd grab that shotgun from your horse. Who knows what's up ahead"

As Arthur took his shotgun from his saddle bag Javier looked up to (Y/N) "you stay here, you're hurt and may slow us down, well be right back, of anything happens just quickly grab a gun from my saddle bag and fire a few bullets to alert us to be quicker.

(Y/N) watched the two trudge off and she gave herself a hug to try and warm herself


After a while Javier and Arthur returned a different way, supporting a wounded man. A heart wrenching howl echoed from a mountain top and (Y/N) looked over to see three wolves eyeing the three men quickly moving toward the horses.

Arthur pulled out his shotgun and raced away, distracting the wolves and beginning to shoot them while Javier helped the man onto Arthur's horse. He moved over to his own horse and climbed on "hope we didn't take too long, this is John Marston, a member of our gang"

(Y/N) stiffened at the mention of a gang but she felt Javier sniff "dont worry, our gang isn't like the o' driscolls, we're more like a family actually"

Arthur quickly climbed onto his horse and the two horses began to race forwards.

Suddenly a wolf broke out of a Bush and more followed, Arthur whipped out his shotgun again and began to shoot them but (Y/N) spotted more ahead to the right, she glanced to Javier's side and pulled out his pistol and quickly began to shoot at the wolves.

Once the wolves were dead she slipped the gun back into Javier's Hollister and blinked "I... I just thought I had to do something, I've only shot a gun a few times and I'm not that good-"

Javier glanced back "it's alright that you pulled out my gun, and dont worry I can help you shoot, teach you how to manage a gun, but in the meantime let's get Marston home before the wolves come back for thirds, Arthur let's ride through the river to loose the trail"

I recently completed the game and I tell you, I cried like a baby. But it was a great game and now I'm starting a second play through, which I'll be taking a longer time with just so I can hang around the gang longer

•cold• Javier Escuella x readerWhere stories live. Discover now