Chapter 20

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"An exorcism?!" Larry asked.

"We don't have a choice." Sal replied. "It's obvious that the demon is possessing Travis and an exorcism is the only way we know how to get rid of it."

"Isn't there any other way?" Larry said looking over at Todd who was leaning against the wall of the treehouse.

"Probably, but we don't know what that would be."

"Can't you make something Todd?"

"Larry we've dealt with ghosts and that demon before but possession is something completely different."

Larry sighed.

"Aren't exorcisms really dangerous thought? One of us could get hurt. And who's even gonna do it."

"Todd is." Sally spoke up. "He'd be the best at reading Latin."

"Do you even know how to preform one?" Larry asked.

"Nope, that's why we've invited Travis over." Todd said calmly


"Larry chill, we won't be able to help him if we only talk to him at school."

Larry let out another sigh.

"Fine, but I'm not having him in my treehouse."

"No need to be pissy." Sally said. "But whatever, we'll go to my room."


Knock knock.

Sal got up from his bed and went to answer the door. Larry closely followed behind him. He opened the door to see Travis standing there, beside him was a tall man wearing a clerical shirt and black trousers. He looked like an older version of Travis except he was a lot scarier. The expression on his face hardened once he saw Sally.

"You're Sally Fisher aren't you?" He said in a low voice.

He looked Sally up and down. Sal nodded and tried his best to keep eye contact.

"I just wanted to make sure that Todd Morrison wouldn't be with you. Since he is a homosexual and all that, I don't want Travis becoming friendly with them lot. You understand I'm sure."

"Yes Mr Phelps." Sally said.

"Good, I'll be back in an hour to pick you up Travis."

"Yes father." Travis replied quietly.

He walked through the door and Sally closed it behind him. They walked into Sally's room. Travis stood awkwardly against the wall.

"Why'd you invite me?" He asked bluntly.

Sally looked at Todd who sighed.

"We need to preform an exorcism on you." He said.

Travis laughed.

"Not just anyone can preform an exorcism!" He chuckled. "There's no way any of you would be able to. Especially since none of you are believers."

"I may not be a Christian Travis but I still believe there is a god." Sally said sternly. "Either way, it's not me doing it, that's Todd's job."

"Todd is literally the least likely person in this room to believe in a god." Travis said.

"Well Larry can't do it and neither can I."

"And why not."

"Because I hate god. If it's true that everything that happens is part of 'gods plan' then I fucking despise him."

"He gave you life, he gave us all life."

"He planned that my mom would be killed and for me to have to wear a fucking prosthetic to hide my hideous face."

Beer Cans and Bandages (Sally x Larry)Where stories live. Discover now