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No light. No windows.


She looked around the room. It was too dark to see anything so she had to rely on her other senses for whatever was about to happen next. She felt her hands were tied behind her back to a cold metal chair. So were her feet, to the legs of the chair. She moved her hands around trying to figure out what was holding her and how difficult it would be to break free.
Duct tape.
Easy enough to get out of, she thought. But first, she needed to take in the rest of her surroundings. She couldn't see the room, obviously, but there were other ways to take in surroundings.

The room had an interesting smell like something was burning. Smoke. Was the building on fire? If so she didn't have much time to figure a way out of this. On top of the smell, she had other questions that needed answers, but today's events had started to become a blur in her mind as she tried to think of an escape plan. If there were other people in the building then they also had to be saved.
This is not going to be easy.
She was just about to free herself from the duct tape when loud footsteps echoed from outside of the room. The way the footsteps echoed sounded like the person was coming from down a hallway. The footsteps got louder and louder as the person came closer and closer. She had to act now or not at all.
Step. Step. Step.
The footsteps made a clicking sound, like high heels on a tile floor.
Too late.
The door flew open and light seeped into the dark room, temporarily blinding her. As her eyes recovered from the sudden light a figure stepped into the room. The figure was tall and had a thin frame. She couldn't see the figures face but it was probably female.
"Alessandra, you know why you're here don't you?" Alessandra? The name was familiar to the girl in the chair.
That's my name, Alessandra thought. At least she could remember that. The woman's voice was pesky and business-like. She sounded like she was in a hurry.
Well if the building is on fire than I can see why.
It was too dark, and Alessandra's eyes were still adjusting to the new light so she couldn't get a good look at the woman, but she pictured her in a white business pantsuit.
"No, but I have a feeling you're going to tell me," Alessandra said using all the annoyance in her voice that was possible. The business lady continued like she didn't care. Because she probably didn't.
"So I guess our temporary amnesia shot worked. Well, it's a shame you're going to die without remembering your old life. Too bad," The woman paused, she didn't really sound sorry. "But you're right, I will tell you why you're here so you know why you're going to die. I guess you deserve that. You have put the lives of innocent people in danger because you and your little sidekick wanted to play hero. I can assure you that being a hero isn't all fun and games. You people think you can just fly around the city wearing a cape and saving people in your bulletproof skin!" She said the last statement with such disgust. 

What was this lady talking about? 

Alessandra didn't feel bulletproof and she certainly wasn't wearing a cape.
"First, question," Alessandra said trying to contain the bubbling anger at this psycho woman. "Why did you take my memories if you're going to kill me anyway? And second, what do you have against capes? "
"You're still annoying," said the woman, pulling out a gun and loading it. "I don't have anything against capes, just the people who wear them and think they can call themselves heroes. And I took your memories because I wanted to. I just wanted to see the confusion on your face when you died. You always think you're so clever, solving crimes by day and then going off to play hero at night. Well, I'm here to tell you that your life isn't a comic book. And you're not going to save anyone anymore," she paused, raising the gun and pointing it to Alessandra's chest. "So have fun on the other side, hero." The woman said the last word with a sneer and Alessandra wasn't prepared for what happened next. The gun sounded and pain erupted in her chest. Somehow the shot had missed her heart and didn't kill her, yet. Right before she passed out she saw the woman in front of her catch fire and run around the room trying to put it out. Clearly, she's never heard of stop drop and roll.
Pain like nothing Alessandra had ever felt before, and then everything went black.

"Seth, I need you to tell me what happened. From the beginning," she demanded. "Tell me everything. Please.

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