October 20th, 2020

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"So what did she say, geek!" Blaine asked when I met him and Guinevere in the atrium. Guinevere gave me a playful nudge and nodded encouragingly.

"That's none of your business," I said crossing my arms.
"Okay geek whatever, but," he sighed. "When she gets better, I think the four of us will make a great team. What do you think?"
"I don't know . . . you two are a little young. I mean you're still kids."
"Oh for crying out loud Seth, we're seventeen! I'll be eighteen next month! You gotta let us in on finding your psycho dad!"
"Hmm . . . I suppose if you want to but-" we looked over at Guinevere. She was crying.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Blaine asked softly putting his hand on her arm.
I think I know. Guinevere was mind controlled before. She knows what my father's bad side is like more than I do. Her mind is strong, stronger than most because she didn't snap to insanity. Yes, she lost her speech forever but she can still think normally. Her powers require her mind to be at its sharpest and it is, but facing my dad again. That isn't going to be easy for her.
I stepped towards Guinevere and gave her a hug. "Hey, we will find him ok? I want to just as much as you do, and we need you. Guinevere, you're a very tough girl so don't worry. Whatever he throws at us we can beat ok?" I pulled away and held her shoulders looking her in the eyes "I promise." I let go and stepped back, satisfied with my speech.
She wiped away her tears looking at Blaine for reassurance, then gave me a brave smile.
"That's it!" I said encouragingly. "Now once we have Alessandra in fighting shape, are you in?"
She signed something to Blaine and once again I felt bad about not knowing what.
"She said yes on one condition," said Blaine. "You learn sign language."
I laughed, "Deal!" and we shook hands on it.
"Not quite."
We turned around to see Olivia. "I can't allow an unauthorized mission. They are too young, Alessandra is too new, and you're just a sidekick Seth. You four can't go running after the greatest super villain alone! And you're his son. How do we know that you're not going to join him?"
"Really Olivia? You really think I would join that nutcase?"
"He is your father isn't he?"
"Olivia you can't stop us from going after him." said Blaine stubbornly, "We have a job to-"
"To what? Get revenge for him taking away Guinevere's voice?" Olivia laughed. "I'm sorry Blaine but I can't let you, any of you, do this. You're too inexperienced."
"You're not the leader of the Council," I said angrily.
"No, but my vote counts. And if you're not going to listen to me then I'll have to put you in jail until you understand why this is too dangerous."
"I get it," I said to everyone's surprise.
"What?" said Blaine and Olivia together.
"I get it. We're not ready so someone else should take the mission."
Olivia looked stunned but didn't argue. "Good. Then I'll just tell Liam." and she rushed away to the Council chamber.
"What did you say that for?!" exclaimed Blaine. Guinevere also signed angrily.
"Relax! I just threw her off our scent. Let's get Alessandra and then we can resign out membership as heroes working here at this place. We'll go off the grid for a bit and then we'll make our own missions. We can't trust the Council anymore, as much as I hate to say it. No one is safe and if the Council is scared they'll authorize less and fewer missions, so more villains will be roaming wild. We have to work outside the Council. It's the only way."
"I'm in," said Blaine. Guinevere nodded.

So we headed to the hospital wing and rounded up Alessandra. We left the HQ and the next day me, Blaine and Guinevere resigned. Alessandra wasn't a full member yet so she didn't have to.
We all agreed that we had to put an end to my mind controlling fathers ways. And let's face it the Council was never going to authorize a mission for that. He's too dangerous. But that's why the four of us were the perfect choice of underdogs for the trick. 

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