9:02 a.m.

6 1 1

After we had gotten our coffee's we started making our way to wherever Alessandra's lead for this new case was. We walked down the busy street in silence as we sipped on our coffee in the crisp cold October air.
"You still haven't told me what exactly this case is about," I said. After all, I was curious about the red file and Alessandra seemed confident that no one but us could solve this one.
She sipped her coffee then said, "It'll be more fun if it's a surprise. Trust me it's a good one."
"Oh come on Ally! Just give me a clue ok?" I said pleadingly as we turned the corner to a not so busy street.
"Don't call me Ally," she said, annoyed. "And I'll give you one clue," she paused for a second. "They can't figure out if it's a homicide or a suicide. This is going to be fun!"
"Ok but Alice you can't go around saying that a homicide/suicide case is fun in front of people on the streets! It's not really what people want to hear!" I said. She had a habit of doing that. Getting excited when there was an interesting case. It terrifies the other detectives but at least she gets the job done.
"Oh relax Seth! We're almost-" she didn't get to finish that sentence. Before she could an explosion sounded from the building directly to our left, knocking me into the street. Luckily there were no cars but I landed on my back which was very painful. My coffee flew out of my hand and landed somewhere behind me in a puddle.
When I tried to get back up there were two slight problems. Problem number one: I didn't see Alessandra anywhere. Second: there were small pieces of glass in my hand where I had blocked my face when I fell. 

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