Levys depression & Canas confession

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**Levys POV**

Day 27

They've only feed me 6 times so far and all I can say is my ribs have never looked any better 😒.

Jets beat me about 16 times


Beat marks-10

Loss of blood-about 3 cups


Black eyes-5

Possibly broken bones-9

Broken heart pisses- I lost track

I thought as I tossed my rock around in my little prison cell. Ha Jet forgot his Rock when he was beating me. Jokes on him but.... No Gajeel is 10x worse than all this . He's probably moved on & this rock is all I have..! I can escape! Hmm right when they walk in ill smash their faces. I plotted my plan like an evil villain from Disney till Droy came in. Show time. "Levy-chan time to- I did let him finish cause I attacked him and possibly broke his nose.i kept hitting him cause something just cracked in me but then I was stopped...by jet. He quickly pushed me off and grabbed my rock and did the same only worse.. He kepped hitting and hitting and right when I thought it was over he grabbed my Han and rushed me to the kitchen. "You deserve this for roughing Droy" he said as he turned on the stove and put my hand on it. I yelled and cried and just..I thought I was gonna die but then I heard. "Jet! Don't she can't die ! The money! Go away! ill stitch her up just don't feed her anymore!" Droy said with tears. Wow he cares. Jet looked at me and just pushed me to side. About 2 hours later droy was done stitching me. "Since jet isn't here how about I clean and you go feed yourself to whatever is in fridge. This will be our little secret." Droy said as he got up. I quickly got up and ate like there was no tomorrow. I put the dirty dishes in the washer and walked up to Droy to thank him.i hugged him in a friendly way cause I'm kinda married & Droy is more of a best friend. And that's when my luck ran out. "WTF ARE YOU DOIN? Droy ! You've been feeding her! " Jet dropped his stuff and targeted right for me and the unexpected happened. "RUN LEVY-CHAN! AND NEVER TURN BACK ILL HOLD JET BACK! "


Gajeels POV

I've been staying with Cana for a while and the search for levy goes on. I've been working at the bar with her as bartenders but I still wrestle. Me and her have became real close but I have levy and no one can top that. The thing is I think Cana....may have Feelings for me...like every time she gets drunk and I have to drag her back she always says "why can't we more than friends " well cause I'm kinda...engaged but I think I should tell her about levy. I know its kinda weird to tell her but its better than back than having confusions.I looked for Cana and found her all dressed up like if she was gonna see someone. "Cana!" I say as I walk up to her. "Gajeel I need to tell your something!" She says as she drags me to a room. "Gajeel..I know its only been like a moth but I like you..." She said as she grabbed my hand..."uh Cana..." I said trying to pull myself out of this situation. "Shhhh you don't have to say anything" she said as she did the unexpected and kissed me.


End of chapter! & thank you alllll so much for 2k! To 3k !

now question time

1} What do you think made droy want to let levy go ?

2} so do you like droy now? Or Hate jet?

3} gana 😒😔? Comments hates xD ?

Till next time Minna! Remember to vote if you like this chapter !

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