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 Why hello, lovies! This goes with AnnaK_Styles' story.. "Because You Saved Me' so, you should probably read hers too! haha. This is just from Talia's POV <3

Cameron and Jessie take forever... I'm just standing here waiting "patiently" for my friends, Cameron and Jessie like I mentioned in the last sentence, but it's 5 minutes after the final bell went and oh my gosh they're so slow! They aren't as upbeat and energetic as me, and sometimes I wonder why I put up with them, but then I remember... I live with them... Hehe! Them, and my other friend, Adrianna! Adrianna and I lived together back in Sheffield when we were kids, but now we're all here in London, starting our 1st year at uni. Adrianna went out for her normal afternoon lunch at Starbucks, so I'm stuck with the slow turtles. Ugh! Finally, I see them giggling and coming down the hallway. "Guys! Come on!!" I call, impatientally if I should say. I've been waiting for like 5 minutes!

  "Haha, sorry Talia. We were watching a 1D interview on some girl in our science class' phone. It was a recent too!" Cameron says and the girls squeal a bit.

  "What!? And you didn't text me to tell me or anything!?" I put my hand over my heart. "It hurts..." I say. They pout. "Meh, I'm over it! We'll watch it again later." I laugh and grab their wrists. "Now come on! I've been waiting so long!"

  "The bell just rang?" Jessie says. I shoot her a look. "Ugh, you're so impatient!" She says, smiling and I grin sweetly at them both.

  "I know... But I'm also craving a coffee." I blush. The girls laugh and I start down the hall, adjusting my bookbag straps. We talk mainly about One Direction all the way to our usual coffee place, 'The Coffee Hut' and order 3 cafe mochas. We take them to go, and walk down a road to our well-sized flat. Cameron unlocks the door and we file inside. I toss my navy blue bookbag on the floor and remove my moccassins and jacket. I take out my phone and check the time. 4:30.

  "So what should we do until Adrianna gets back?" Jessie asks. I think for a second.

  Cameron speaks before me. "Well, we could get our homework done with." I raise an eyebrow at her.

  "It's Friday! I don't think I'm doing my homework until... 10 o'clock Sunday night." I laugh.

  "Well, we're going to do ours, go envelope yourself in One Direction or something." Jessie laughs.

  "Ugh! Don't ditch me! Fine, I'll do my homework, too..." I say, grabbing my bookbag. I'm wearing a cozy fall outfit, skinny jeans and an oversized sweater. My hair is curled in cute ringlets, too. Well, I have brown hair and green eyes, incase you wanted to know! The girls and I are working on our homework quietly when Cam's phone rings.

  She looks. "I gotta take this, guys, it's my mom!" She smiles, picking it up. "Hey mom." She says, getting up and walking out of the room and going upstairs. "No I can talk." I hear and smile.

  "I think I'll give my mom a call." Jessie says, smiling. I smile back at her, finishing up my maths stuff. I think and then decide to call my dad.

  He picks up after a few rings. "Talia? How's school?" He asks happily. I smile. My dad cares, he really does. My mom and him divorced when I was little.

  "It's good, dad. Cam and Jess called their parents, so I decided to give you a ring." I say and laugh a bit.

  "Oh. Where's Adrianna?" I roll my eyes.

  "Starbucks." I laugh. "We, well... I, just finished my homework, so I'll probably be a bit bored... How is everyone?" I ask.

  "That's good, and everyone's fine. Still a fan of One Direction?" I laugh out loud.

  "Oh dad... Of course I am!" I say, as if I'll ever not be...

  "Oh, dear I have to go!" Dad says just as Cam comes downstairs.

  "That's okay. Bye dad." I say, Cam smiles at me going to the cuppard to get a drink.

  "Bye Tal, I love you lots." He says and I smile.

  "I love you too, dad. Be safe." I smile and hear the dial tone. I hang up and walk over to the fridge getting a juice.

  "Are you done?" Jessie asks. When did she get in here?

  "Homework? Uh, yeah." Cam says. I nod, taking a sip of my juice.

  "TV? Degrassi or something is on." Jessie says, I nod, walking into the living room. I flop down on the couch and we flick it to Degrassi. Jessie likes it, and she sorta got us all into it. We go thorugh a few episodes and then the door swings open. We turn to see Adrianna. Wait. Is that... HARRY STYLES. I know just by hearing the girls screams that it is and I join them. Jessie speaks first. "OMG YOU'RE HARRY STYLES FROM ONE DIRECTION." I'm trying so hard not to cry right now. Adri doesn't even LIKE them!!

  "Yes I am, you must be Jessie. I actually just met Adrianna at the coffee shop a while ago." I know he's talking about Starbucks, and I'm really trying not to spontaneously combust.

  "Oh my God, really?! Adrianna, you didn't tell us Harry Styles was coming here, or that YOU MET HIM!" Jessie squeals. Er, Harry doesn't like it when girls squeal, I nudge her.

  "Yeah, I probably should've so you girls wouldn't scream like this!" Adri yells and I blush because we've probably damaged her ears... Excitement over comes me.

  "SO ARE THE BOYS COMING TOO?!" I burst out asking. I was curious...

  "Yeah, later. I wanted you guys to chill after seeing Harry first." OMG THEY ARE?! I freak out on the inside for Harry and Adrianna's sake...

  "Oh good idea!!" Cam says. How is she not loosing it?! She got up and lead them to the couches after saying, "Come on let's have a seat in the living room." After we finished squealing the girls told him about themselves, and I did too. Hopefully, that made up for squealing and being crazy.

  "Ugh, today that girl named Amber in my history class tripped me! She is so low.." I laugh. We start telling him about our day at uni. Jessie was talking about her maths homework, but Harry's phone rang.

  "Oh, sorry I need to take this." He said and we smiled at him as he stood up and went into the kitchen. I stared at Adrianna, and we had a little eye-to-eye conversation and she was pretty confused about her feelings for Harry from what I could tell. I'm just so excited to meet Louis Tomlinson! He is like, the love of my life!

  My thoughts were interupted by Louis. YES LOUIS. Screaming at the top of his lungs, "HEEEEELLLLLLLOOOOOO!" I screamed and stared at him as Niall, Zayn and Liam came in behind. I probably looked like such a fangirl. I just hope the neighbours don't clal the cops because of all this screaming!!

  On the side is (right) Jessie! (Middle) Cameron! (Left) Talia! :)

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