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  Once the boys were home it was like nothing even happened, but I knew what everyone was thinking. They were thinking about Zayn and Crystal, who is with us here in the flat right now. Adri and Haz are sitting on the couch while the rest of us cuddle in front of the fire. This is torture. Everyone wants to say something to Zayn, but nobody is actually positive that he feels something real for Crystal… Liam mentions how there’s a television interview coming up and that we’re welcome to join. Hmm, how will I ever decide to do my hair? What colour bow? Ringlets or waves? Oh the horror. I smile to myself. I am so funny. “So… Jessie? Do you want to go on our date now?” Niall asks when it’s quiet and I grin.

  “What?... Oh! Yeah! Sure! I’m ready!” She stumbles with her words but they get up and walk to the door. “Wait, don’t I have to get ready?” She asks, a bit confused.

  “You already are!” He answers, smiling at her.                        

  “Yes I know, but like, I mean-“

  “No love, you’re perfect the way you are now. No need to change. We aren’t going anywhere TOO fancy.” He smiles, pulling his hand out of his pocket for her to take.

  “Are you sure?” She asks, looking down at herself. Hey, I helped her pick that out! She’s wearing an awesome floral tank top with nice jeans and converse, she looks hot! Don’t shun my work, missy!

  “Yes, I’m certain of it love, now let’s go!” He smiles and grabs Jessie’s hand since she wouldn’t. “Okay, bye everyone! Have a great time without us, I guess. See ya!” He calls, and then they leave.

  “Where’s he taking her?” Adri asks, I don’t quite hear Harry’s answer but she says Jess will love it, so okay.

  The jealousy fest begins because Harry kisses Adri’s cheek and Zayn kisses Crystal’s, pulling her onto his lap. I decide to tune them out and focus on Louis. “So, boys, what do you want to do now?” Harry asks, interrupting me talking to Louis.

  “Can we please go to the park!? I saw it on the way to the interview and thought we should go. It looks really fun! Please?!” Louis asks with a clearly fake depressed look on his face that no one in their right mind could ever say no to.

  “Yes, okay! Let’s go then everyone!” Liam yells, motioning us out the door.


  “Woo! Harry push me!” Louis screams from across the playground. HE is so cute when he’s losing at a who-can-swing-the-highest competition. I’m winning, by the way. I ALWAYS win. Especially when it comes to Louis! I grin to myself. And we even just got here! I love how I can be myself around Louis… Harry decides to ignore Louis and take Adri somewhere so I’m stuck to push Louis. “Talia? Will you push my, babe? Please?!” He begs and I smile, jumping off my swing and running a round to push him.

  “Of course, Louis!” I say, pushing him as high as I can. He yells at the top of his lungs and I laugh really hard. “Hey Louis, you are so great! I love you!” I call up to him.

Promise (One Direction/Louis Tomlinson Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora