Boys and Shopping

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  I wake up to Louis shaking me. My eyes fly open. "Louis- what the-" I start but he cuts me off.

  "We're all up and off to wake up Adrianna and Harry, so come on!! Zayn isn't because he's a loser, but come onnnnnn!" I smile as Louis grabs my hand, pulling me out of bed. He's so cute!! Just ahhhh! Once we all sneak into Adri's room, we crowd around the bed and Louis counts down. "3...2..." He grins. "1!"

  We start singing at the top of our lungs right in the lovely 'couple''s ears and screaming, "IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" They start stirring around and I grin, continuing to yell.

  "Good morning?" Adri questions and I look at Louis waiting for him to say something.

  "Oh, hey you're up! Great... Can you make us breakfast?!" He yells in her ear. I laugh. Hard!

  "Yeah, give me a couple minutes.." She mumbles, waving us out of her room. Louis grabs my hand, pulling me out while we're laughing. We all head downstairs and Louis jumps on our couch, pulling me onto his lap. Cam and Liam sit down beside us and Jess and Niall beside them. Well isn't this lovely! The moment is interupted a few minutes later because Adrianna is screaming "Front and centre!" It's like, uggggggggggh 4 more minutes! This is better than sleep!! We all obey her and go into the kitchen in front of her and Harry. "Stop what you're doing and help make breakfast! Each of you are helping!" Adri explains. We just stand there, unsure of what to do. "Okay, get to it!" She yells and I jump, we all scramble around trying to do stuff and then Adri speaks again. "Wait guys, where's Zayn?"

  "He's still asleep, in bed." Liam replies, getting milk out of the fridge.

  "Wish I was.." Niall mumbles and I resist hitting his arm.

  "Okay, I'll go get him." She says and I sigh, a break! "Keep working!" She adds and  I groan, going back to my bowl full of eggs. I feel Louis beside me and he reaches over to take an egg, I push him away, laughing with him but he slips on some milk Liam spilt and falls.

  "Owwwww!" He yells and I put my hands over my mouth, trying not to laugh and Liam looks over.

  "Louis be careful!" Jessie says, and Louis grabs some flour, throwing it at her. "Whoo!" She ducks out of the way and it hits Niall. "Ahh!" I laugh and Niall does too. He takes some of the pancake batter he was mixing and throws it at Louis.

  "What's going on down there?!" Adrianna. We go wide eyed and look at eachother. She would be mad if she saw the mess we've made already...

  "Nothing..!!!!" Louis yells and we try not to laugh. She doesn't reply so we burst out laughing. Louis stands up, grabbing some batter and rubbing it on Niall. They start throwing batter at eachother. Louis is dramtic about it as usual and Niall is laughing really hard! He's turning red. All I can think is that Adri is going to be SO mad!!! Hahahahahahaha!

  "Guys!!!" I yell, it's getting pretty messy. Louis turns to me, dramatically mad. I go wide eyed and he gets a handful of batter. "Louis! DON'T YOU-" He throws it and I duck. It splatters all over the cuppard. I stand up to see everyone laughing. "LOUIS YOU MADE THAT MESS, YOU'RE CLEANING IT UP!" I yell, laughing and he rolls his eyes, turning back to Niall who is now on the floor laughing. What a crazy kid!!!!!! Niall threw some up and him, but it went everywhere. Okay, now this mess has gotten huge. "Harry, Jess, Cam, Liam? Help me clean up before Adri gets back or we're all in big trouble!!!" They nod and start cleaning. I get to work on the mess Louis made... Sigh. A couple minutes later, Niall's still laughing on the floor. Wow, he is easily amused... Adrianna walks in with Zayn and stares at the mess. Her jaw drops and Louis looks at her.

  "Okay I know this looks bad but let me explain. Okay so-" Louis starts, but is cut off by Adrianna. Hahahahaha!!!

  "I don't want to hear it, just go wash up outside with the hose and come back to help clean!" I laugh and get back to cleaning. Louis looks over at me and I smile at him shaking my head and laughing. He and Niall go out back to wash up while the rest of us clean. We're almost done when I hear Louis.

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