Socks, Fairs and Fights

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  A.N.\ OMG OMG OMG I AM SO SORRY. I GOT GROUNDED BUT I HAVE WATTPAD BACK NOW! I MISSED IT SOOOOO MUCH!!! AND YOU, READER! lol. So, check out my other stories and enjoy the next bunch of chapters for Promise!! (:


I hear people shuffling around downstairs, and hope that Adrianna is home. I need to tell her about my date! Louis was talking so they must be home. I hear someone come upstairs and into Adrianna's room. Dang it, I'm too late! She's probably tired, but there's a chance that it was Harry. I go out of my room, sliding down the hall and going, carefully, down the stairs. I poke my head into the living room to see the Louis, Liam, Niall and Harry sitting on the couch. I lean over and kiss Louis on the cheek. "HI!" I yell, sitting on his lap. "Did Adrianna go to bed?" Harry nods.

  I pout. "Want to tuck me in?" Louis asks, yawning. I laugh.

  "Maybe." I say. He sticks out his bottom lip. "Okay, come on!" I say, getting off of him and taking his hands, trying to lift him off the couch. My socks slip, and I fall backwards. The boys start laughing. I stand up and go over, kissing each of their cheeks. Louis grabs my hand and we run up the stairs. He lifts me up, putting me over his shoulder and goes into my room. "Hey, Lou!?" I whisper yell.

  "Yeah?" He replies and sets me down in front of him.

  I putt him by his collar down towards me so I can whisper in his ear. "Want to make a ruccus?" I ask.

  "Do I ever!" I smile, letting go of him and going to my shopping bag, pulling out bright blue fuzzy socks and hand them to him. He grins wildly and slips them on. He's a cutie! I slip across my floor. "That looks like fun!" He says, putting his on and slidding. "Woah!" Cuteness level is rising. We slip and slide around my bedroom floor like I was earlier. Wow, this is way more fun with a hot boy..! I mean... I love this. Haha! Louis and I slide around like this for a while, and then he suggests I get on his back. I do, and he almost falls multiple times. We're laughing the whole time and then Liam opens my door. I jump off Lou's back, laughing, and sit on the floor.

  "Hi Liam!" I say, laughing.

  "Cameron and I are going to bed now, so if you guys don't mind..." He puts his finger to his lips, smiling. I nod and Louis crosses his arms.

  I get up from my bed and run over, hugging Liam. I love how I can do this whenever I want..! He kisses me on the cheek and puts me on the floor, closing my door. "GOODNIGHT LI." I yell and hear laughter in the hallway. I look at Louis and he pouts. "What's wrong?" I ask.


  I walk over to him, crossing my arms like him. "Obviously..." I pause, and he looks at me with his blue eyes. "It's something." I finish.

  "Is not."

  "It is, and if you don't want to tell me, that's cool. I'll just fall asleep with suspense on my brain and-" Louis doesn't let me finish, but presses his lips to mine. Woah, that was unexpected.

  "Nothing's wrong now, we can sleep peacefully." I laugh a bit and turn around going to get in bed. Louis shuts off the light and I close my eyes, feeling him get into bed next to me. Omg he kissed me. "Goodnight, Talia." I smile.

  "Night, Lou." I say and drift off.


  I woke up to the girls shaking me and whispering frantically for me to wake up. “Hi..?” I question as they’re all dressed and ready for the day. “Why?” I ask. The sun hasn’t even rose yet!

  “We wanted to wake you before Louis so you could shower and get ready and I could curl your hair!” Jess says and I smile.

  “You guys are so caring.” I say, stealthily getting out of bed and grabbing a green over-sized sweater and light blue jeans for the day. I smile when I see Louis still wearing my socks and go across the hall to shower. After I’m finished, I get dressed Jess dries and curl my hair to perfection, adding my signature bow in. Today, its forest green to match my cozy sweater. The perfect outfit for fall, am I right? We head downstairs after and see Niall shirtless making some breakfast. “Niall?” I ask and he nearly drops his spatula.

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