Meeting The Tommo.

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Well, here's the second chapter! To be less confusing, Anna's 1st and 2nd chapters were jammed into one for my story, ok? ok. bye :) (enjooooooooooy)

  "AHHHHHHHH." I'm sorry, I just can't stop screaming. This is just a dream come true for me and my girls! I jump up and spin around. "IT'S ALL OF ONE DIRECTION IN OUR FLAT." This is SO insane! I ran up to them, followed by Cam and Jess and I gave Louis a tight hug, then Liam, Niall and Zayn. But Zayn gets a hug first next time. I realised I've never gave Harry a hug and motion for everyone to give them a group hug. We didn't include Adri which made me feel bad, but after we were done, we joined her in the living room.

  "Hello love! You must be Adrianna! Harry told us a little about you on the phone!" Louis winks at her. WINKED AND CALLED HER LOVE. OH MY HEART. Harry is glaring at Louis which makes me laugh to myself. Minutes later Louis had sat beside me and we were giggling about something he said. He really is so funny! I was inbetween Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne. AHHHHHHHHHH. Sorry, I'm done. Cam is beside Liam and Jessie and Niall is across from us on the other couch. Adri is squished between Zayn and Harry.. UHHHHHHHH JELLO.

  "I'm hungry!" Niall whines suddenly. Typical!

  "There's some food in the kitchen over there!" Jessie says, pointing towards the kitchen.

  "Okay thanks!" Niall smiles. UM EXCUSE ME JESS BUT ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE US STARVE? HE'S GOING TO EAT THE KITCHEN. Hehe! Jess keeps her eye on him. Awww!

  "Nice flat you've got here by the way!" Liam says, breaking my thoughts. I smile.

  "Oh thanks!" Adri answers. I grin. I look over at Louis who's already looking at me and blush. He's so sexy you have no idea... Sorry. Keeping my cool, here..!

  "You're welcome, love!" Liam says back to Adri. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Omg, so sorry! You would be spazzing too. I'm shaking, tbh! Just then, Niall walks in with half of our food. I sigh.

  "Niall are you gonna share any of that?!" Zayn asks and I laugh. AS IF.

  "No way!!" Niall yells. HA! TOLD YOUUUUUU.

  "Come on, let's play a game!!!!" Louis yells, making me jump and then I laugh. "Oh wait!! I know what we can do!!" Louis screams again.

  "What?" We all question.

  "How about a mean game of Knock Knock Ginger?!!!" I clap a bit. It's a fun game, 1D will probably make it better!!

  "Sure, why not but, we need to be careful!!" Liam says. What a bummer! I was hoping for some battle wounds... We all go outside, and Louis stays beside me while we're making the plan.

  "Okay ready? GO!" Since there are nine of us, we're going to have to be very fast. And we run up to a house across from ours. Louis knocks and loudly whispers "RUN!" And that we do, very fast but Louis drags me along with him, laughing. Soon, a woman in her late 40's appears and I hold my hands over my mouth trying not to laugh.


 Louis grabs one of my hands. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Sorrrrrrrry! This is amazing! "Shall I knock again?" Louis asks quietly after the woman goes back inside.

  "Yes, now go!" Cam says and I notice she and Liam are holding hands. Louis makes me come with him and he knocks, we bolt for the bushes, giggling. We collapse and listen to the woman rant. We all burst out laughing. Oops!

  *An hour and a half later*

  "Haha! That was funny! Did you see his face? Priceless!" Louis says through laughing and I laugh too, remembering the guys face. At one house, Louis decided to just stand there and the girl attacked him. He made a run for it until the girl got tired... 2 and a half blocks later! We were all laughing at him the entire time. Luckily I wasn't at the door with him! Haha! Louis and I were holding hands when we took our spot on the couch, still laughing. That was such a fun time! Louis and I are talking about the night and he is just making me laugh in general. This is the kind of guy I need! Too bad it's Louis Tomlinson. Yeah, I know we're holding hands... But will we really last? I mean, come on! "Hey you two love birds!" Louis yells at Adri and Harry. Oh that's cute! She looks weirded out. Hahahaha!

  Harry asked to talk to Adri in private.. Hmm.. Zayn butts in. "Where are you two going?" He asks. Hmm, does he have a thing for Adri? Now Talia's confused....

  "Umm.. in the kitchen..?" Harry replies. OU THIS IS TENSE.

  "Why..?" Zayn asks. AH! MY BRAIN!

  "To.. talk." Harry says. Ou.... Louis interupts.

  "Don't have too much fun in there if you know what I mean!" I laugh and squeeze his hand as he smiles down at me.

  "You're cute, Lou." I say after Adri and Harry leave.

  "Pfffft, me? You have the cutest curls I ever did see. Wait. No you don't!" I pout. "Hello, Harry's are sooo adorable!" I laugh and nod, agreeing.

  "Plus, mine aren't natural." I say, laughing.

  "Cutest ironed curls ever!" Louis says and I blush, leaning on his shoulder. Harry and Adri walk back in and she's smiling. WHAT HAPPENED? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS. "What were you two up to in there?" Louis asks with a wink. I giggle.

  "None of your buisness Lou!" Harry says. OUCH HARRY.

  "Bu-But..!" Louis says and I rub his hand.

  "I'll tell you later okay Boo Bear?" AWWWWWWWWWWW I AM WITNESSING LARRY STYLINSON.

  "Okayys!!" Louis says with excitement. He is so cute! We went on having conversations until Adri yelled. AH!

  "Hey, anyone have the time!?" Something awks must be happening and I look over to see her and Harry holding hands and Zayn a bit too close for her comfort... Ahhhh.. I see!

  "Yeah, it's almost 11:00!" Niall answers.

  "You boys are lucky it's Friday or we'd need to be in bed a couple hours ago! But I'm gonna go to bed. Are you guys satying the night or..?" NO ADRI WE NEED TO TALK!

  "Yeah why not? We don't want to leave you girls. plus, you have good food!" He says pulling Jeesie in for a hug. AW x1000000000000!

  "Okay, I know where you all can sleep!" I prayed silently she put Lou and I together! "Niall with Jessie, Cameron with Liam, Louis with Talia, Harry with me and Zayn? You can sleep in the guest bedroom. It's beside mine okay?" Ou Zayn... Poor guy. OMG I'M SLEEPING WITH LOUIS. AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I'M NOT EVEN SORRY THIS TIME. Zayn nods and goes upstairs. "Alright, I'm going to bed, too! Night everyone!" She says, coming to give us all hugs. I hug her tight. I need to talk with her so bad. She went upstairs and Harry said goodnight too.

  Louis and myself went upstairs not long after the others, but we were the last ones. We have the most energy, I guess. But I'm tired from school. Sigh. We walk upstairs and into my room. The walls are purple and have One Direction posters all over. "Er... I'm a bit of a fan incase you didn't realise." I say, blushing. I walk over to my vanity and Louis closes the door, taking off his shirt. WOAH. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I remove the bow and clips from my hair and get pj's from my dresser. "Turn away!" I demand and Louis does. I get dressed and smile. "Okay." I say, jumping into bed. I get comfy.

  "TALIA THE LIGHT IS ON." Louis yells and I laugh.

  "Shhhh! I got it!" I whisper and he grins cheekily. AW. I get out of bed. "Wait!" I say right before turning off the light. I kiss my 1D posters goodnight and Louis is looking at me, laughing when I turn around.

  "You're really kissing your posters when the real thing is right here?" I blush.

  "It would be creepy if I kissed you." I laugh.

  "No it wouldn't." Louis says. I blush like crazy and flick off the light, making my way over to my bed. I can see Louis still because the moon is shining through my window. I close my eyes, smiling. Louis sits up and I look over at him. 

  "Go to bed!" I say, giggling.

  "What? No goodnight kiss?!" He asks, and I blush. Good thing it's dark. I lay him back down and give him a quick kiss on the lips. "Now I'll be able to sleep..." He whispers, patting my hair. I laugh.

  "Nighty-night, Lou." I whisper.

  "Night, Talia. Sleep well and have good dreams." He says, and I realsie just how close he is to my ear and smile.

  Only if you're in them. I think to myself.

   On the side is Talia between Louis and Zayn, but just picture her with curls. She like curls. And obviously is Adri with Haz c: awww. But she looks a bit different. :p confusing.

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