The Moment

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  I meet Cam and Jess outside Adri's room and we look at eachother, walking in. "What now, girl?" I ask, curious.

  "I just need 1 more favour." She says, smiling. She was upset when we left her?!

  "And that is..?" Jessie asks, motioning for her to go on. I smile.

  "Well I guess the date is tonight.." She stops so we have time to screamed. WOAHHH. NEVER WOULD HAVE GUESSED THAT. Sarcasm... "And I need my make-up, hair and accessories?" Minutes later, we're working away. Cam did her make-up and Jess curled her hair, which reminded me, I needed her to do mine soon. Haha, I went and searched for some cute accessories. I found her a pretty purse, necklace and braclets and gave them to her when the girls were done with her and she thanked us.

  "AND NOW COMING DOWN THE STAIRS IS MS. ADRIANNA STANLEY!!" We called from the bottom of the stairs and I keep my eyes on Louis, him grinning hugely at her.. He's never grinned at me that way. JUST WAIT. IT'LL HAPPEN. Haha, oh well, Adri does look goregous!! We all hug her and the boys kiss her cheek. JELLY. Hahaha! Louis whispers something in her ear. I am sooooo jealous! AHH. After Adrianna leaves, we all take our spots on the couch and Louis pulls me into him, kissing my forehead. Awwe, what a cutie!

  We were sitting around watching tv for like 20 minutes before Louis got bored and slipped his hand into my, twining our fingers together. "Let's watch a movie!" He suggests and I look up at him. He grins.

  "Yeah yeah yeah, Toy Story?" Liam asks, standing up. That sounds fun!

  "No no, I want a really scary movie!" Louis cries. Hmmm... Horrors aren't really my thing. Do we even have any??

  "What movie then?" I ask him.

  "Do you happen to have Incidious?" Oh my gosh, we do.. I can recall the night Cam, Jess and I rented it because Adrianna wanted a thrill... Ugh! Curses!

  "Umm... Sadly, yes! I don't even know why we bought it. But I hate scary movies." Jessie says. I tighten my hand around Louis' and He squeezes back comfortingly. She gets up, putting the movie in and it starts. I cuddle up to Louis, and notice that the lights are off and it's getting darker by the second. "Anyone want popcorn?" Jess asks before I can. We both have the right idea...

  "Yes!" Everyone says. She goes into the kitchen and I pause the movie.

  "What's wrong?" Louis asks. I blush.

  "Uhh, don't want Jessie to miss anything..!" I say, smiling. PAYBACK JESSICA. Louis smiles, squeezing my hand and Niall gets up, walking into the kitchen. AWWWWWWWWWWS. Sorry. Haha.

  Minutes later, Niall and Jessie run past us and upstairs. "Well, you know what that means..." Louis nudges me, I slap his arm, laughing and Cam starts the movie back up. Ugh! I close my eyes, drifting off to sleep. Louis startles me because he jumps at a part almost to the end. "TALIA!!" He wraps his arms around me, fake crying and I close my eyes too, trying not to watch the movie. Louis screams. I can't help laughing. "Will you go for a walk with me, Tali?" I giggle, nodding. He grabs my hand, jumping up off the couch. "BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEE GUYS, BE BACK SOON!!!"

  We grab our coats on the way by, and I slip on my moccassins. He pulls on his boots and we giggle, rushing out the door. "Woah, it's getting dark out!" Louis takes out his phone and puts the flashlight app up. I laugh, and look at the step. "A few more blocks there'll be a street light, yeah, just in the middle of no where, I know." I laugh. It's actually quite random, being in the middle of town and all. I enjoyed downtown a lot!

  "Random. I like it!" Louis smiles and I blush, his smile is adorable! We walk until we see the streetlight. "That's it?" Louis asks. I laugh.

  "That is it! Do you want to hang out there for a while?" I nod, smiling. "I'll race ya!" Louis says, and I laugh, running ahead. "Hey! Get back here!" He calls, and then he's right by me, running ahead, I grab his hand.

  "Don't leave me! It's dark out!" I laugh as we approach the light. He laughs with me and I sit down cross-legged by the base of the light. He sits right across from me, mirroring how I'm sitting. I smile and he smiles. I shift, he shifts. "Louis, stop that!" I laugh.

  "Louis, stop that!" He laughs like me. I roll my eyes and he rolls his.

  "Talia you're so much better than me, and it's insane! I wish I could be like you!"

  "Why are you talking to yourself?!" Louis asks and I laugh into my hands. "Hey, Talia? I've got a question..."

  "Yes, Louis?" I ask and hold my breath. He smiles, and reaches over to hold my hands, he moves closer so our legs are touching.

  "Would you fancy going on a date with me this week?" He asks and I let my breath go. I smile and look up at him from pur hands. He locks his fingers with mine.

  "I would." I say and Louis bursts out smiling really big. He laughs as if it were a relief and sighs.

  "That's..." He pauses. "Great! I mean, I've been wanting to ask you on a date since I first saw you and I thought that tonight was going to be my opportunity, and I just thought you might say no because you hesitated before kissing me last night, but you said yes and-"

  "Shut up and kiss me!" I blurt and then go white. Louis grins hugely and starts to lean in. He puts his hands on my face and his lips press to mine. He pulls away and smiles cutely. "Shall we go back now?" I ask and he shrugs.

  "If you want.." He says, dropping his hands.

  "Oh I don't mind." I say quietly. It is getting a bit chilly. He smiles and I smile back.

  "You look nice tonight, by the way..." He whispers, standing up and holding out his hand. I take it, smiling.

  "You look amazing too, Louis." I say back to him.

  "I said nice." He laughs and I blush. "But you do look amazing!" We laugh together and hold hands on the way back to our flat. Once we were back, the movie was over and Jessie and Niall re-appeared downstairs. We got settled in again and I was talking to the girls and we decided to do some shopping. Louis wasn't anywhere to be seen so we let Liam know we were going. He's making supper, but you know... Haha.

  "Liam, we're going to do some shopping!" I say to him.

  "Okay, have fun! Be safe!" I smile, and go to turn.

  "Oh!" I say, turning back to him. "Don't let Louis touch anything." I laugh.

  "I got your back!" He winks and I smile, hugging him.

  "Thanks! Bye, Liam!" I say, putting my coat and moccassins back on and walking out to Cam's car. It's dark no, so we decide to drive. I told the girls that I had a date with Louis this week and they squealed. I wonder if they have dates with Liam or Niall? Oh well, I'll wait for them to tell me. "So, do you guys want to wait for Adrianna when we get something for my date, or..?"

  "No, we should wait! She would want to help you." Cam says and I nod from the back seat. That's when I can talk to her! Alone..! We get to the mall and run into the girly shops, looking for stuff before it closes. I get a few new bows for my hair, a cute heart necklace I think Adri will like and some fuzzy socks. Haha! I'll be slipping around in them on the hardwood floor later tonight for sure. YES! Cam and Jessie get some accessories, trying to show off for Niam. Awwwe! Well, once we get back, us girls run upstairs and put our stuff away and throw on some pyjama's. I throw on some grey jogging pants and a bright coloured yellow t-shirt. I put on some of my new bright pink fuzzy socks. I start slipping and sliding around on my bedroom floor and decide to go say hi to to Liam. I start running down the stairs.

  "LIAM!!! LOOK AT-" I yell, cut off by almost losing my balance, when really I do and land on the floor. The slippery socks don't really help this matter, either!

  Liam looks around the corner and I'm casually laying on the floor. "What are you doing..?" He asks.

  "Making a cake." He raises an eyebrow. "NO I'M NOT. I FELL. I wanted to show you my socks!" I stand up and look up at Liam. I realise just how small I am. "Erm, anyways. That's all! Back upstairs, bye now!!" I wave, laughing and running back upstairs. I tumble a bit but I make it.

  "Do you suppose she's trying out her new socks?" I hear Cam ask Jess, I assume, and laugh, walking back into my room and slipping around once more. That's when I realise that I really miss Adrianna. I lay on my bed, out of breath from sliding around. COME HOME, ADRIANNA.

Promise (One Direction/Louis Tomlinson Fan Fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora