Life As We Know It

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I left because the boys started prank calling people. Today, I feel better. I cried it all out in Louis’ arms, we went for a long walk and once we came home, everyone was asleep. I had another mental breakdown right before falling asleep. I woke up this morning and took a long shower. I got Jess to curl my hair like always and I put on cream colored polka-dot skinny jeans, a white high-collared shirt and my favorite cream colored bow to match. Instead of wearing my moccasins, I decide to wear light colored ankle boots. I say bye to everyone and once the girls and I are gone, we go our separate ways. “Where are you going, Tally? Need a ride?” Cam asks from the front seat of her car. I smile and shake my head.

“No, thanks, I’m just going to head up to Starbucks for the morning.” I say, putting my hands in the pocket of my warm jacket. The leaves are falling faster these days and the weather is colder as we speak.

“Alright, see you later today!” Jess calls and they drive one way while I go the other. I sigh and think about what my mom said last night on the phone. I am so over it. I also think about the TV interview that I was so nervous about but it went really well. Since we have One Direction at our flat we get today and tomorrow off school. Nobody seemed to care. But, I think that because of it that like, nobody is going to school. They want to spot the boys and get some good gossip and risky pictures. As I’m thinking about this, I run straight into a group of girls.

“I am so sorry!” I stutter and make sure I didn’t hurt anyone.

They look at one another with shocked yet excited expressions. Um..? The blonde girl speaks up. “Aren’t you Talia Smith?!” She asks excitedly. I raise an eyebrow. OH YEAH I’m Louis’ girlfriend. I put on a friendly smile.

“Yeah, I am, and you are?”

“I’m Marie! And she’s Denise, and that’s Willow.” She says pointing to the brunettes. I smile at them all.

“It’s nice to meet you all!” I say and put my hands back in my pockets.

“Would you mind signing some stuff?” Willow asks and I burst out into a smile.

“I wouldn’t mind!” I say happily and they get out some address books for me to autograph. Wait, I don’t have a signature. I make something up on the spot as I sign their books.

“Can you follow us on twitter?” Denise asks excitedly. “You don’t have to but it would be awesome!”

“Wow, I haven’t been on twitter for days.” I say, smiling and taking out my phone. “What are your names on here?” I ask and they tell me. I follow the 3 girls.

“Not to be clingy but can we please get a picture?” I smile, nodding. I take one with Denise, then Marie and finally Willow.

“It was really nice meeting you girls, have a nice day!” I say, continuing my walk to Starbucks. That was SO cool! I need to text Louis! I texted him immediately but didn’t get a reply. Oh well, he’s probably still caught up in the prank calls… That’s my boy!

Once I get to Starbucks the smell of coffee and pastries surrounds me and I take a seat at the first stool in front of the cashier. Not Crystal to my surprise, but a young lad named Joseph. I smile at him. “What can I get you?” He asks, smiling. He has a nice smile. He’s blonde and has brown eyes. I smile back and tell him.

“I’ll take a caramel macchiato, please.” I say, picking at a nail. I look up to see him punching in a number.

“No problem, is that everything?” He asks, smiling that smile again. I recognize him from school or something. I nod and go back to picking nervously at my nail. I wait for my order and then give Joseph the money for my drink. “Thank you, ma’am.”

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