3: A New Friend

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Hajime's POV

We go to our designated classrooms. I sat at the back near the window. It's obvious that no one wants to sit beside me. Not too long until our teacher entered the classroom. But I am curious because Yukii is still not here. Does she even listened earlier? "Good Morning class, my name is Mr. Ross. I'm a new teacher and I want you to introduce yourselves infront." Then, I saw and hear the door open. Yukii's here! "Good Morning sir, I'm sorry I didn't find my classroom in time because I'm new and not so familiar with this school." "It's Okay. Have a seat." She then sat beside me because it's the only empty seat. Our classmates stared at her but she is confident. "She's so unlucky, having to seat next to that guy." I heard Sho, our other classmate, one of my bullies. I don't care about what they say. I'm just being who I am and I don't care. "You, please introduce yourself infront." Mr. Ross pointed at me. I go to the front of our classroom and confidently introduced myself.
"Hello everyone. My name is Hajime Rivera."

"Where are you from?"

"I was born in the province of Pangasinan in the Philippines but I grew up here in Japan sir." I said with a nervous looking face. I saw Yukii being shocked for what I said. *I hope this doesn't affect our friendship.*

"So, are you half Filipino and Half Japanese?"

"Yes sir."

"Ok, go back to your seat."

I went back to my seat and kept my mouth shut. My classmates always bully me because I'm not pure Japanese, and all of them are. But, what's so wrong about being a half Filipino? There's nothing wrong with me,there's something wrong with them. After me, they called Yukii.

Yukii's POV

Oh no! I'm gonna be late! Where is my room! I have checked so many classrooms. Every classroom, I peek through the mini windows in the doors to see if Hajime is there. After 3 minutes of finding the right classroom I finally find it! It's on the 3rd floor, last classroom from the left. And as expected, I. AM. LATE. Our teacher is already there. I entered the classroom and greet. He gladly accepted it and I went at the back of the classroom beside this boy, oh wait, It's Hajime! It's the only empty seat so I sat there, it's okay because he is now my friend, my very first friend. Our teacher asked us to introduce ourselves and Hajime is the first one. I was in shocked. I also noticed that nervous face of his. After he introduced, our teacher called me infront.

"My name is Yukii Hagiwara. I'm a new student."

"Thank You Yukii, you can now have your seat."

Well that's quick.

*Fast Forward to break time*

Hajime's POV

I went to the rooftop and ignored my classmates as they call me nicknames that they call me before. I don't really have friends even in the past years. I sat on the chair facing the view at the top of the school. I bit into my sandwich and I suddenly felt that someone is sitting beside me. It was Yukii.

"Hey Hajime!"

"Oh, hey Yukii."

"I thought your surname's Fujiwara."

"It's my middle name actually."

"Hmm? Are you alright?"


"I don't think you do. So, what's the real problem?"

"The problem is... ....my nationality."

"What?! Seriously? But, you're a half Filipino right? What's wrong with that? It's amazing!"

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