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-Nathalie P------ E-----

2. Zodiac sign

3.  3 Fears
-To die
-Low grades
-Some people

4. 3 Loves

5. Best Friends

6. Last song listened to
- Kung Di Rin Lang Ikaw (english version)

7. 4 Turn ons
- Travel
- Black shirts
- WRONG GRAMMAR IN ENGLISH (because idk how)
- Poetry

8. 4 Turn off
- Bright colored shirts
- people who think they know everything
- people who always tell you what to do even if you can't do it  (not my parents, MY OTHER CLASSMATES.)

9. Color Underwear

10. Tattoos/Piercing
-No thank you

11. Why did I join Wattpad
-I'm interested what it is.

12. How do I feel right now

13. Something I really want
-Anime merch

14. Current relationship status

15. Meaning behind user
-I like spaghetti

16. Favorite movies
-Ponyo on the cliff

17. Favorite Music
-Haruka Kanata
-Ang Huling El Bimbo
-First love

18. Favorite band
-Parokya ni Edgar
-Kana Boon

19. 3 things that upset me
-I didn't pass the test
-Low grades
-My parents mad because of me

20. 3 things to make me happy
-High grades/scores
-To have a sibling

21. Attractive in other people
-Plays or likes basketball

22. Someone I miss
-my aunt

23. Someone I love

24. Relationship with parents.

25. Favorite holiday

26. Online Friend
L---s-- --c-------  (privacy)

27. Someone I'd date
- the right one

28. A confession
- I drempt(?) about kissing someone

29. 3 things that annoy me
- People that can't understand what I say even if it's clear what I want to convey
-  People that don't have common sense
- That voice in my head that tells me to do stupid things

30. Favorite animals

31. My pets
-Dogs namely ???(no name), Rubileen, Bear Brand, and ???(no name)

32. One thing that I've lied about.
-Being ok.

33. Something worrying me.
-It sometimes worries me that one day I won't be top one and my parents will be mad.

34. An embarrassing moment
- I accidentally shout in the middle of a discussion.

35. Where I work
- none

36. Something constantly on my mind
-will I get high score or not or will I pass or not

37. 3 habits
-laugh (because I think of something funny)
-cry (because I want to)

38. Future goals
-to become a seawoman or to be part of PMA (Philippine Military Academy)
-to go to Japan

39. Something I fantasize about
-Interact with anime characters

40. Favorite store
-National bookstore
-Comic Alley

41. Favorite foods
-Chicken Curry

42. What did I do yesterday
- I attended nutrition month because I'm the contestant for nutri quiz and I became 1st place

43. Something I'm talented at.
-Writing poems, songs, some essays

44. Perfect date

45. Celebrity crushes
-Kenshi Yonezu

46. Photo of myself

 Photo of myself

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47. Favorite Accounts

48.  Perfect date

49. Smoke/drink
-no thanks

50. What's your own question
•Do you wanna build a snowman?
-Yeah, but there's snow here



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