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3rd POV
A ship was soaring towards earth, flames surrounding the front as it entered the atmosphere.
Astronaut: we lost all control! Brace for impa-
Choking was heard over the intercom as the ship crashed into the lake in the park. Police quickly swarmed the scene with park workers.
Chief: what a mess.
Officer: Sir there are canisters in here!
Chief: let me see this, Captain Stacey get over here.
C. Stacey: Jesus, get those scientists over here! They wanted this, they can have this.
Chief: we need to see what happened Captain.
C. Stacey: they lost control, you see, no survivors and crashing in a park, nothing we haven't seen before.
Chief: something doesn't seem right here.
C. Stacey: chief, I've seen this type of thing before, remember, I saw the plan crash here, it's the same thing that happened.
Chief: alright Captain.
C. Stacey: alright, get your canisters and get out of here!
Scientists grabbed the canisters of weird goo and put them in the back of vans, a van with the word "Oscorp" on the side.
In the distance a cat burglar was sitting on a roof, petting a cat. Felicia Hardy, also known as the Black Cat.

Felicia: well now that is interesting indeed

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Felicia: well now that is interesting indeed. Guess I better have my play time before the pigs come back over.
She stood up and ran to another building to go and find a jewelry store.
Y/N was sleeping on the desk while Gwen Stacey, his childhood best friend, was analyzing a blood sample from one of the lizard creatures that attacked New York after Connors broke lose, maybe they could fix the DNA to actually help instead of causing havoc.
Gwen: hey Y/- will you wake up!
Y/N's eyes shot open as he shot up, hitting his head on the overhead light.
Y/N: ow!
Gwen: good you're up, I think I finally found the strand that caused the mutations.
Y/N: really? What is it?
Gwen: it's small, come take a look.
Y/N looked through the microscope to see it.
Y/N: Jesus that is small.
The door was heard opened as Norman Osborn walked in with loading guys.
Norman: good news Gwen and Y/N, I have something new for you two to work on.
Gwen: about about the lizard?
Norman: that can wait, this is brand new! Do it and you get a bonus.
Gwen: but-
Y/N: we're in!
Norman: great! Have fun.
He left the room with the loading guys. Gwen sighed and looked at Y/N.
Gwen: what is wrong with you?
Y/N: my rent is due soon.
Gwen: you're unbelievable.
Y/N: thank you.
She opened the crate, revealing a canister with a black sludge.
Y/N: that looks gross....what do we do?
Gwen: it's moving, we need to check if it's alive atleast.
Y/N:'s moving so it is alive, that's my analogy, so what's the first test.
Gwen: well I need to get home, it's my little sister's birthday and I need to pick up the cake, will you be fine by yourself?
Y/N: I'm always fine, when was the last time I wasn't fine.
Gwen: the rat, the lizard, the cat, the custodian.
Y/N: ate my sandwich, didn't run with the test, dropped the serum, and that last one wasn't my fault, I flat out said not to enter the room.
Gwen: these rooms are sound proof and he's deaf.
Y/N: you....have a point.
Gwen: just please be good Y/N, be good and I'll bring you back some cake.
Y/N: what kind of cake?
Gwen: Watson's Bakery.
Y/N:....big piece?
Gwen: only if you're good.
As Y/N and Gwen spoke the black goo stopped moving and started to look around at the glass, then noticing a lab rat. It began to move again, shaking the canister violently.
Gwen: Y/N!
It rolled off the edge of the table, Y/N quickly catching it.
Y/N: totally have things under control.
Gwen: alright Y/N, I'll see you tomorrow morning.
She closed the door behind her and walked off. Y/N looked down at the canister and placed it back on the table.
Y/N looked at the sludge within the canister.
Y/N: you are so cool....
Y/N got up from the table and went into a fridge and grabbed a roast beef sandwich.
Y/N: yes....
He sat at the table, looking at the sludge and began to eat. He wrote on his clipboard about it.
Y/N: seems gelatinous, and it is alive....I hope.
Two hours later.
Y/N was eating a bag of chips as he began to prepare some machines for testing. The sludge then stopped moving, remains completely dormant. Y/N turned around and his eyes widened.
Y/N: oh no.
One of its black parts looked as if it were reaching for something, like it was dying.
Y/N: ah jeez it's suffocating!
He twisted off the top of the canister and poured it on the table. Y/N began to sweat as he grabbed some water and put some droplets onto the sludge, though it wasn't taking. He looked at the other half of his sandwich and he put it near the sludge as well.
Y/N: any movement? What can I do, Gwen is going to kill me!
He ran around the lab again, looking for anything to help. The sludge began to move while Y/N's back was turned. He turned around to have the black sludge tackle him into the machine, hitting his head hard enough to put him unconscious. The black sludge looked at Y/N before entering his body, phasing in, like nothing happened.

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