Meeting the Big Man

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3rd POV
Y/N walked back into the room with Peter.
Venom: now let's see what's for din- RAT!
Y/N: do not even think about it.
Venom: I want to slurp it up like Spaghetti.
Y/N: you're disgusting.
Venom: I am fine with that.
Felicia: you two talking to eachother?
Venom poked out of Y/N's chest.
Venom: what makes you think that?
Gwen: what the hell?!
Venom looked at her.
Venom: hi there cutie, I am Venom.
Peter: now you watch it.
Venom looked at the three of them.
Venom: Felicia is still the best, atleast she got us Chinese Food.
Y/N: yeah yeah, get back inside.
Venom went back inside Y/N as Gwen looked in horror.
Gwen: it can do that to!?
Y/N: yeah.
The bell then rang.
Y/N: shifts done.
Gwen: now hold on a minute.
Y/N: his name is Venom, we are still trying to get along well, that's all I'm gonna say, see you tonight.
Felicia walked out with some strut.
Felicia: don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him.
Y/N ran out of Oscorp to see a big white Limo.
Y/N: is Harry in town?
The Limo door opened and Kingpin walked out of it.
Kingpin: hello L/N. Osborn sends his regards....get in.
Venom: I do not like this at all.
Kingpin: we have shrimp in here along with any alcohol you want.
Venom: did he just say shrimp? I say we trust him for the time being.
Can't you see this is a trap?!
Venom: but he mentioned shrimp!
Me: thanks for the offer, but I'm good.
?????: well then.
He grabbed his cane and threw it at my chest, I felt it Break.
????: I wanted to do things the easy way, but you want to be a pest.
Venom: don't worry, I'll get us out of here.
3rd POV
Venom quickly covered Y/N and they both quickly stood up and punched Kingpin into the Limo. Venom roared as they ran down the streets, jumping to a side of a building and climbing.
Fisk looked at the direction of Venom in rage before looking to see Felicia standing there.
Fisk: hello Felicia.
Felicia stood there and swallowed hard.
Felicia: F-Fisk.....
Fisk smiled.
Fisk: how would you like to settle your debt to me?
Felicia perked up slightly, though still little worried.
Felicia: what do you need stolen?
Fisk: come inside, I'll explain it all on the way.
Felicia: I heard you were with Osborn, what are you doing here?
Fisk: he asked me to come over, get in.
Felicia climbed into the dented Limo as Fisk stepped in and sat down.
Meanwhile with Venom
They landed on top of a vacant building and went to the ground. Venom went back inside Y/N as he placed Y/N's broken chest back into place.
Y/N: who was that?!
Venom: I do not know, but now he knows what we can do together.
Y/N: I gotta say it was quick thinking getting us out of that mess.
Venom: you are welcome.
Y/N: what do we do now?
Venom: heading back to your apartment would be to dangerous, we should also warn your father and that cute sister you have.
Y/N: when are you never a player?
Venom: girls like the teeth.
Y/N: I don't think they do here.
Venom: what about the tongue? Or the eyes?
Y/N: maybe sometimes, but not the girls you're hitting on.
Venom: fine....let's quickly head to your family though, we need to remain incognito.
Y/N: and how do you suppose that?
Venom: what you need is a disguise, and I know the perfect one.
Y/N: a dress store!
Venom: would anyone really expect you to dress as a woman!
Y/N: I am not going to dress like that!
About 10 minutes later Y/N walked through the streets wearing his dress, making his way to his father's apartment.
Venom: don't you feel pretty?

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