Getting Ready

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3rd POV
Felicia walked into her apartment and got out of her costume, only having a bra on with her panties, she looked at the room she was in and sighed.
Felicia: been a while since I cleaned this place....or did the laundry.
She found a clean shirt and threw them on with a pair of skinny jeans.
Felicia: boy coming over, just need to do a load of laundry, and pick up the place.
She looked around her apartment and started to pick up movies, clothes and trash.
Meanwhile with Y/N.
He walked through the streets, heading back to his apartment.
Venom: I gotta feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good, good night
Y/N: can you please stop singing that song!
Venom: Never! *inhales* A feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good, good night
Y/N: can you please shut it! I'll see what kind of delicacies we have in the apartment.
Venom: I make no promises.
Y/N: you'll also be on your best behavior when we go see Felicia.
Venom: you're really worried about this? Don't even know the girl for a night and you're head over heels.
Y/N: she seems alright.
Venom: alright? That's not what south says.
Y/N: *sigh* we're eating, taking a few hour nap, then we're seeing Felicia.
Venom: fine fine.
They entered the apartment and went to the fridge. Y/N pulled out a Hershey bar and began eating it.
Venom: why cold?
Y/N: can't have the AC running all the time, it racks up the bill, leaving it in here with no AC is melted.
Venom: fair point.
Timeskip Morning.
Y/N opened his eyes and sat up, he heard the sound of Venom humming.
Y/N: you alright?
Venom: I got a song filled with shit for the strong willed
When the world gives you a raw deal
Set you off 'til you
Scream, "piss off, screw you"
When it talks to you like you don't belong
Or tells you you're in the wrong field
When something's in your mitochondrial
'Cause it latched on to you, like
Y/N: *sigh*
Venom: ok, I turned on the radio while you slept, you can't judge an Alien for being bored when he's not tired.
Y/N: just......I'm going to go take a shower.
Venom: make sure the water isn't hot! Or cold! We need it just right.
Y/N: sure.....
Y/N went into the hallway and opened the door to the bathroom, he luckily made it in just in time. He quickly got in the shower and got out, quickly drying off and going back into his room. He pulled out a button down white shirt and a pair of nice pants.
Y/N: how does this look?
Venom: it's missing something.....
Y/N: like what?
Venom: black tie, the black and white May look nice together.
Y/N: alright.
Meanwhile with Felicia.
She walked out of her bedroom with a town around her, reaching into the dryer and pulling out a nice shirt.
Felicia: seems casual...but I don't have time to steal anything truly nice right now....I think I can make it work...especially with the sweater and jeans....and the Chinese should be here in about fifteen minutes.
Y/N looked at the Card in his pocket and looked at the building.
Y/N: same place Dad lives.
Y/N walked up the stairs and looked at the card, leading him to the room. He knocked on the door and she opened the door quickly.
Felicia: you're early!
Y/N: sorry.

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