A New Weapon

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3rd POV
Venom crashed into a lower story window in Fisk Towers, holding Felicia. Venom went back inside Y/N and looked at Felicia.
Y/N: are you ok?
Felicia: I'm fine....he was never this strong.
Y/N: seems you've fought him before...you need to stay here and call the police.
Felicia: Y/N, what are you planning?
Y/N: I'm going to take him down.
Felicia: you'll die.
Y/N: I have Venom, there's no other way, it looks like I'm the only one that can hurt him with a hit. If I die however....I won't have to live this one down.
Y/N grabbed Felicia and locked lips with her. She put her arms around his head and brought her right leg up to his waist. They both unlocked and gave eachother soft smiles.
Felicia: that was.....amazing.
She smiled at Y/N. A few seconds after the kiss Venom came out and looked at them.
Venom: I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news bu-
Felicia walked over and gave Venom a quick peck on the cheek. His eyes widened and his lips completely covered his teeth, he was in shock. He looked at Felicia and began to stumble over his words.
Venom: w-wel- he- to-
Y/N smirked as this being the first time Venom was ever truly flustered.
Venom: Y/N.....
Y/N: yes Venom?
Venom: I'm speechless....I don't know what to say....I was kissed by a cute girl...
Felicia smiled as she took a step back, her hands behind her back as Venom was still trying to collect himself.
Y/N: love you Felicia.
Venom went back inside Y/N and they quickly transformed.
Venom: We....I personally will not forget this Felicia.
Felicia: go stop him....both of you.
Venom nodded and jumped out the window and grabbed onto the side of the building to quickly scale it.
Fisk walked into the lab's main chamber and pressed a few buttons.
Kingpin: want to play like that huh? Guess we'll play fire with Fire.
Venom dived through the window and shook their head. Kingpin walked into the chamber as Venom ran, only to be decked in the head and sent into the wall. The door then opened as Venom held their head and closed it.
Their eyes then widened as they looked at Kingpin.
Venom: Oh Our God.
Kingpin stood in front of the chamber, his skin was a bright blue with what appeared to be a white all over his front, probably to resemble his suit. He had massive teeth and was about two feet larger than he already was.
Venom: he has his own Symbiote!
Kingpin: We are going to enjoy breaking you!
Venom slowly picked up a piece of glass and looked at Kingpin.
Venom: We are going to stab you now.
Venom ran at Kingpin who picked up a brand new spiked cane and decked Venom across the head and making them fly into the computers in the lab. Venom went to get up only to be hit by a thrown cane, sending them into the wall. Venom then stood up again, seeing a large man creature charging at them.
Venom: oh no.
Kingpin hit Venom, going through the wall and out the window to the outside of Fisk Towers. Both clinged onto the side of the towers.
Venom looked down to see Kingpin climbing quick.
Y/N: this is bad what do we do!?
Venom: we climb! We sense humans up there, humans mean helicopters, we can cut him in half!
Y/N: hope this works.
Venom: I do to.
Venom began running up the towers as Fisk followed closely behind. Fisk grabbed Venom and smashed their head through the window. Venom roared out as it scratched Kingpin's face and kicked him in the ribs.
Meanwhile Felicia went to one of the phones.
Cop: 911 what's your emergency.
Felicia: Wilson Fisk is doing illegal experiments, he's also killed many and tortured my boyfriend, he still has the wounds from the cane.
Cop: we're on our way, stay where you are ma'am.
The cop hung up and the squads went to their cars and motorcycles, even bringing in a helicopter.
Venom was being choked by Kingpin before being thrown back into the building and stopping on a desk.
Venom: this....sucks.

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