Breaking In

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3rd POV
Kingpin: you're tough....I'll give you that, you've held out for an hour of constant torture.
Y/N: because I have nothing to tell.
Kingpin: I have to say, you're starting to make me feel bad doing this.
Y/N: so you're going to let me go?
Kingpin: don't make me laugh.
Y/N: it was worth a shot if I say so myself.
Kingpin: well....the good news is I believe you on you not having the creature inside you. I suppose we can use you as live bait.
Y/N: Venom knows better.
Kingpin: it has a name?
Y/N: yep, quite honestly, he's awesome to have around.
Kingpin: I'll be waiting.
Y/N: can I ask you a question though?
Kingpin: go on
Y/N: how did all of this happen...I mean you're the big man of the city, wouldn't surprise me if you had the mayor wrapped around your giant pinky.
Kingpin: I made deals with the right people.
Y/N: sounds very ominous.
Kingpin: I know.
Meanwhile Downstirs.
Symbiotic Black Cat ran through the front door and attacked the guards.
Guard: what is that thing!?
She grabbed the guard and bit off his head before running to the vent and running up it. All the civilians in the room were too scared to move, worried that it would come back. They climbed through the vent, Venom going back inside Felicia.
Felicia: remember the plan?
Venom: yes I do, I go to Y/N and transform, then when I say the code word, you jump from the vent and kick the first person you see.
Felicia: I'm glad you remember.
Venom: yes, now let us hurry.
Felicia: when this is all said and think you can talk to Y/N, for a dinner....out and about, or possibly a movie.
Venom: aw! Isn't that cute!
Felicia: you know what!
Venom: no! I'm sorry!
They stopped at the room where Y/N was.
Venom: good luck!
Venom jumped through the grate.
Venom: I'm coming buddy!
He then jumped onto Y/N and went inside him.
Kingpin: that was easy.
Venom poked his head out.
Felicia came out of the vent and went to kick Kingpin in the face, who just grabbed her ankle and held her upside down.
Kingpin: was this really the best plan?
Y/N: yeah I won't lie I saw that one coming to.
Felicia: I didn't want to be rude.
Venom: oh screw you guys!
Venom went back inside Y/N and transformed into Venom. Kingpin however smiled. He dropped Felicia and cracked his knuckles.
Kingpin: I've been wanting to do this....let us begin.
Venom roared as they charged Kingpin, only to be decked hard by a cane. Felicia kicked Fisk in the face before getting back handed. Venom quickly got up and ran at Fisk again, this time launching a tendril at him. Fisk quickly grabbed it and pulled, making Venom land into Felicia.
Kingpin: you've fought so many people, now look at you.
Venom: you hurt.... a lot.
Kingpin: I know.
Fisk grabbed Venom and put them into the wall. Felicia quickly got up and jumped up and punched Fisk in the face. He grabbed her only for her to use her legs as momentum and launch off his chest. Venom came out of the wall and punched Fisk across the face, sending him to the floor.
Kingpin: I won't lie...that was a good hit, made me feel some pain. Perhaps we should even things up.
Venom ran at Fisk who grabbed them and threw them out the window.
Fisk: what will it be?
Felicia ran past Fisk and dived out the window to try and help. Fisk smiled and walked to the elevator, heading to the lab about two floors above his.

Symbiotic Passion (Black Cat X Venom Reader) {Request}Where stories live. Discover now