Night Shift

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3rd POV
Y/N ran into Oscorp, quickly fixing his wrinkled lab coat. He ran into his lab to see Gwen sitting their, legs crossed wearing red heels, black pantyhose, black dress and her lab coat, her blonde hair in a bun.
Y/N: hey Gwen, sorry I'm late.
Gwen: Y/N....Sit down please....there's something you and I need to talk about.
Y/N: uh sure....
He sat down, looking at her.
Gwen: Norman knows about what happened in the lab, with you and the.....thing.
Venom: who is she calling a thing?!
Gwen: I was told to give you a medical examination to make sure that you aren't dying....and we are going to try and remove it.
Y/N: remove it?
Venom: I am going to eat her legs! Let's see how funny it would be to be to see her as a paraplegic!
Y/N: Gwen I....we think it's a horrible idea.
Gwen: we?
Y/N: you want to study it right?
Gwen: yeah?
Y/N: well he can't live that long, without a host.
Gwen: do you know that?
Y/N: he told me, he also loves Tater Tots and Chocolate, also a massive fan of shrimp.
Venom: making me sound like what you humans call a....diabetic.
Gwen: I...don't know what to say.
Y/N: I already assume Norman saw footage.
Gwen: yes.
Y/N: that figures as much.
Gwen: if it helps he is gone for the weekend. He had an emergency meeting....if what you're telling me is true....we'll test it....but minimal. No extracting or anything.
Y/N: thanks Gwen.
Venom: I still have my eye on her, let the blonde know this.
Y/N: you're also on a watch list for him...he wanted me to let you know.
Gwen: I'm already on Norman's so I'm not very scared.
Venom:.....I like her a lot Y/N, she doesn't care.
Gwen: someone is also coming to talk to you about what happened?
Y/N: and that is?
Peter: hey Y/N.
Peter walked through the door with a smile on his face.
Y/N: Pete?
Peter sat down.
Peter: I was down the street when I saw you turn into a giant black monster, can you and I talk about that?
Venom: something is not right with what he says....I'll be keeping a very close eye on him.
Y/N looked through a microscope and began talking to Peter.
Y/N: Symbi-
The door knocked to see a familiar white haired female at the door. Y/N smiled as he walked towards the door and let her in.
Gwen: Y/N....who is this?
Y/N: this is Felicia....she's a good friend.
Gwen walked over to Felicia and put out her hand. Peter's eyes widened and he tugged on the collar of his shirt.
Gwen: I'm Gwen Stacey.
Felicia: Felicia Hardy....hi Peter.
Gwen: you two know eachother?
Felicia: of course, he's my ex, but everything is cool now.
Peter: nice to see you to Felicia.
Felicia: is this young thing your girlfriend?
Peter: Yes.
Felicia: he's a keeper Gwen, don't let him go easy.
Gwen: I won't.
Timeskip ten minutes.
Y/N reached in front of Gwen and placed a few droplets of a liquid in a test tube.
Y/N: Gwen, you wanted the water to be red right?
Gwen: that's correct.
Y/N: it turned white.
Gwen: what?!
She took a step to Y/N and her eyes widened.
Gwen: this is very new....test to see it, we've only had liquid copper so far.
Peter: you try and cure diseases with copper?
Y/N: no, I just added too little to the formula and forgot to put it in the humidifier. I don't know how it works with it but with these it keeps our liquids....liquids. Oscorp still amazes me with these things.
Peter leaned over to Felicia and whispered.
Peter: does he know?
Felicia: how do you think me and him met?
Peter: food delivery?
Felicia: no that's how I met his sister.
Peter: has he shown that black creature to you?
Felicia: once again, how do you think me and him met?
Peter: ah.

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