Chapter 1

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• Amelia's POV •

I, Amelia Stevens, a 15 year old girl, who loves to sing and record vines. I am obsessed with a certain group of boys but I have got my favourite, Shawn Mendes. Yes, I love them a lot but I have a huge crush on him!

"Amelia, mum says dinner is ready! Hurry up," shouted my sister Lily. Lily is my 13 year old sister. Sometimes she can be soooooo annoying. "I'm coming," I mumbled. I put my phone down and locked it.

I ran downstairs and sat at the dinner table. My dad had just come back from work and we were all sitting around the table. "Okay, I have something to announce," my mum said with a smile. "Your father has got a new job in Toronto in Canada and," my mother gulped, "we will be moving there in the next month!" "WHAT, no no no are you serious?" my sister shouted! "Wait, hold up a second, Magcon is there. OH MY GOD. Shawn Mendes is there!" I screamed with excitement.

"Honey, calm down we know that already. Lily please it's for the best, we will have a nicer house and we will be more wealthy than we are now. Come on darling," my mum said with a pout. "Fine, but Shawn is yours Amelia. Hayes is hot as!" My sister said as she glared at me. I put my hands up in defence straight away saying, "oh have him all you like, sis, he is the same age as you!" "Oh shut up, it's not like I'm going to ever meet him anyway."

We finished dinner which was sooooo yum even though I love all food. I got really bored just sitting and listening to my mum talk about random things. I got up and went to my room to get my iPhone (with a Shawn Mendes lockscreen).

"AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, OH MY GOD SHAWN MENDES, CAMERON DALLAS, NASH GRIER & BOTH JACKS LIKED AND COMMENTED ON MY SINGING VINE!" Mum, dad and Lily ran upstairs to see what I was screaming about. "Honey, honey, what's wrong? Who's here?" My mum said anxiously. "5/9 of the magcon boys liked and commented on my vine," I said trying to hold in my tears of joy. "UNFAIR!" My sister said while storming out of the room.

I continued to read what they said:

Shawn Mendes: wow, your voice is amazing. We should really do a duet sometime?

Cameron Dallas: oooooooh Shawn and Amelia sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-hhhjdfjjkG

Nash Grier: sorry about that one ⬆️ but really I totally agree with Shawn! #shawmelia

Jack & Jack: #shawmelia what a cute ship name! oooo kill 'em Shawn

I was almost in tears, Shawn Peter Raul Mendes just asked if that we should do a duet together. OMG OMG OMG OMG. I quickly texted my best friend Emmeline Andrew and she texted me right back:

Em💕: OMG, you are SO lucky! hey, if you do get their numbers. Could you, maybe, I don't know give me Cam's number please?

Ameliaaaa💛: yeah, sure 😏 someone's got a crush, huh? ooooh em's in love, lalalalalala

Em💕: oh shut up. your the one in LOVE with Shawn. I bet the whole time during the duet you both won't be able to take your eyes of each other!

Ameliaaaa💛: whatever you want emmeline.

Em💕: I hate it when you call me that!!

Ameliaaaa💛: I love it though. Bye Emmeline Taylor Andrew need to sleep 😘

Em💕: love you. Bye Amelia Rose Stevens/Mendes. 💚 #shawmelia forever

I put my phone down and smiled. Gosh, I love Em so much. Em and I have been best friends since we were 4 years old. It's like we're joined to the hip. Emmeline is a beautiful blonde haired girl, with blue eyes. She's one of those really girly girls but when she's at home it's like she is just some random homeless person. I love her, we've told each other just about everything about everything and everyone.

I randomly screamed because Shawn texted me about them coming to my house tomorrow to help pack and talk about the song. I almost died when he gave me his number. I'm so excited!

I loved looking at his Instagram and Vine videos/pictures. He's got the most cutest smile, amazing voice and just the most perfect personality.

I smiled to myself and fell asleep, dreaming about what it would be like just to text Shawn and imagine what he'd say back. I got a bit sad again cause I knew I'd be far away from Em soon, but we can always use social sites! Well, Goodnight.

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