Chapter 6

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• Amelia's POV •

We got back to the hotel room hand in hand. Shawn Mendes and I are dating. I am his girlfriend and he is my boyfriend. OMG. He started kissing me in front of their hotel room and I kissed back and the door of his hotel room opened.

"Oh hey Shawn and Amelia just randomly kissing, WAIT WHAT! OMG #SHAWMELIA IS REAL," yelled Cam.

We broke apart and laughed. "You have no idea," laughed Shawn. Hayes then ran up and jumped on Shawn as he fell over.

• Shawn's POV •

"Get off me dude," I yell at Hayes. Hayes then gets off me and I go to Amelia. "Yo, so it's official? Yes, no or maybe?" Carter said grinning. "Yes it's official you idiot I said that already," I said sarcastically.

"Well see you two lovebirds later, bye guys I'm going to pick up Em," Cam shouted at the door. "Bye Cam, tell her to text me please," I hear Amelia say. "oh and don't tell her Shawn and I are together okay? I want to surprise her!" Amelia shouted. "Okay Melia whatever you say!" Cam yelled back.

The door closed with a bang and Amelia and I sat on the couch. Her head rested on my chest while I stroked her hair. All the rest of the guys were playing with the pillows in the room. So Amelia and I slowly drifted to sleep.

• Cameron's POV •

I drove to the airport and waited at the waiting area. I saw a beautiful blonde running to me and I straight away knew it was Emmeline. "Oh my gosh, Em I missed you so much," I said kissing her cheek.

"Aww, Cam I missed you more!" She said smiling as she hugged me. "Hey Em, we've been really close and all, but I really like you. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" I said looking straight into her eyes.

"Yes. Cameron Dallas, I would be honoured," she said blushing.

*skipped car drive*

• Em's POV •

"Cam, I can carry my suitcases into Amelia's house," I said looking at him. "No I'm carrying them! Anything for my special girl," Cameron said winking at me.

After we put the suitcases in Amelia's house and talked to her mum for a while Cameron drove me to their hotel.

We got out of the car and Cam held the door open for me. "You're too cute!" I said kissing his cheek. "Thanks but you are cuter," he said kissing me on the lips.

We took the elevator to their hotel room and Cameron opened the door. "I like your hotel room, less messier than I would have pictured and w- OMG Amelia didn't tell me Shawn and her were dating!!" I squealed looking at Shawn and Amelia laying on the couch with their hands interlocked.

"Oh yeah she was going to surprise you, haha," Cam said awkwardly. "OMG, where's my phone. Here it is," I said rushing to find it. *click* *click* *click*

As I took heaps of pics of them sleeping they were so cute.

"AWWW," I screamed a bit too loudly.

"Huh, what, who died?" Shawn mumbled. As he kissed Amelia's forehead and stood up. "Oh hey Em, nice to see you again," Shawn said hugging me.

"ARGHHHHHH, Emmeline Andrew I can't believe you didn't wake me up nor tell me you were here as soon as you got here!" Amelia shouted playfully.

"Well, you didn't tell me your boyfriend is the amazing Shawn Mendes. Oh and by the way you two are adorable when you sleep! Pure angels," I whispered the last part.

• Amelia's POV •

"Sooo, anything new?" I wondered. "Yeah, well Cam and I are together but you probably would've seen it coming. Right Amelia?" Em said looking at me.

"How do you read my mind like that?!" I said staring at her. "Well, Amelia and I will leave you and Cam alone while we practise the song we are going to perform!" Shawn said trying to cut the awkwardness.

"Yep, so see you's later!" I said silently thanking Shawn as I kissed his cheek.

Shawn led me into an empty room that had a table, 2 chairs and his guitar. "Okay, so I wrote a song, I might change the lyrics but it's called life of the party and it's about you. I want to sing it separately so no peaking at the lyrics, anyway do you want to do a cover of something for our duet?" He said smiling at me as he picked up his guitar.

"Yes, sure! I'm looking to see which song," I said almost in tears that he wrote a song about me. "What's wrong?" He said noticing my watery eyes. "Oh um, you're just so sweet and I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend," I said hugging him. "And I could have never ever asked for a better girlfriend," Shawn said kissing my head. "Go into my room and look for music okay? I'm going to practise my song," he said pointing to his room. "Okay thanks Shawn, I love you," I said blowing a kiss. "I love you too," he said grinning back.

I went to his room, grabbed his head phones and listened to so many songs. I found the song but I just wanted to listen to more. I started dancing because I thought nobody was there, but then Shawn came in and saw me dancing for like 5 minutes.

"Oh my gosh, Shawn! You scared me," I said blushing hardly. "I love it when you dance like nobody's there, Amelia," he said walking to me and wrapping his arm around my waist and kissed me. I obviously kissed back but the quick kisses turned into a full on makeout session, it was perfect until I head someone's voice.

"Hello, dayum Amelia I didn't know you could use so much tongue, HELLO, Shawn Mendes. NO PDA," yelled Jack G was standing next to Jack J. "Why is it always the Jacks who catches us? Are you stalking us?" Shawn said raising an eyebrow.

"Dude, of course not. You just seem to forget that a park is a public place and that you share a hotel room with 9 other people," Jack J said high fiving Jack G. While Carter walked into the room and said "BUUUURRN." "Shut up Carter," I said laughing.

"Anyway I should get going, my mums probably wondering where I am," I said as Cam, Nash, Hayes, Taylor, Aaron and Matt walked in. "Bye guys," I said waving. "BYEEEEEE," they all yelled at the same time. "Bye Shawn, love you," I said pecking him on the lips. "Bye, love you too," Shawn cutely said back as if walked out.

• Shawn's POV •

"You and Amelia were really going at it, HAHAHAH," Jack G laughed. "That girl seriously looks like she can kiss," Jack J said holding onto the other Jack's shoulder for support. "Shut it," I snapped back.

"Dayummm, I like my Shawny's feisty," Nash said jumping on me. "Dude, get. off. me." I said hitting him with a pillow.

"PILLOW FIGHT," screamed Nash as he grabbed a pillow and hit Carter. "Oh it's on girlfriend," Carter said grabbing a pillow and hitting him back. "HAHAHAHAH, we are so weird," Cam said laughing like a seal. "No shit," Jack J said jumping on Hayes.

After the huge pillow fight, the guys all took turns taking showers and went to bed. "Good night my babies," Matt shouted across the room. "Good night mummy," I said in a girly voice. Matt is like my brother we haven't hung out a lot but I love him like a brother and with that I slowly drifted off to sleep thinking about how amazing my best friends are and how perfect my girlfriend is.

"I love it when you dance like there's nobody's there"

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