Chapter 27

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Liam saw us standing there and elbowed Louis. Louis started rubbing his arm and gave Liam a confused look. Louis turned and saw us and froze. I was on the verge of tears, and I had to get out of there as soon as possible.

I grabbed Morgan and started walking away as fast as I could. Louis got up and started walking towards us, but it was too late. We parked pretty close, so it didn't take us too long to get to the car. I started driving as soon as we got in, leaving Louis standing alone in the parking lot.

"What just happened?" I asked Morgan, still in shock.

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out." She got her phone out and dialed Liam's number.

I grabbed her phone and shut it off before she could hit the call button. I didn't want to call Liam. I didn't want any contact with any of the boys right now. Well, maybe Niall, but that's it.

"Please don't. Because we both know that Louis will be listening, and try to talk, and I really don't want anything to do with him right now." I said as I handed her phone back.

She just gave me an understanding look and put her phone back in her pocket. As she did that, I heard my phone start to ring. I took it out of my pocket and saw Louis's name on the screen. I just hit ignore and put it away.

My house wasn't too far from the mall, so it didn't take too long to get home. Louis probably call me about 5 more times while we were in the car, but I ignored all of them. Liam also called me a couple times, but I ignored those too.

As soon as we got home, I ran to my old bedroom, which is now the guest room again, because I knew Louis would look in our room first. I told Morgan I just wanted to be alone for a little bit, so she went home. She understood and didn't get mad or anything.

A couple minutes later I heard the front door open. I heard Louis run up to our room, just like I thought. Next, he came to this room and tried to open the door, but I locked it.

"Lexi, open up." I heard him yell through the door.

"Go away." I yelled back.

"Please, I just want to talk."

"NO. I don't want to talk to you." I started crying.

I heard him walk away. He sounded pretty sad, but I don't care. I just laid there for a couple more minutes, then I heard another knock on the door.

"Louis, I said leave me alone." I could barely talk because I was crying so hard.

"It's Harry." Why would Harry be talking to me? I didn't really know him that well yet, so I didn't really want to talk to him about this.

"Go away. Louis, I know you're out there. Please just leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you right now."

"Please Lex, I just want to talk." Louis said.

"I said I don't want to talk to you right now!" I yelled. I think he finally got the hint, because I heard him walk away.

Not even 2 minutes later I heard another knock. Can he not just leave me alone?

"Louis, I swear, if you don't-"

"It's not Louis." I heard Niall's voice cut me off.

"Is Louis out there?" I asked. He might just be using Niall to get in, like he did with Harry.

"No, he's downstairs. It's just me." I walked over and opened the door to let Niall in.

I shut and locked the door again as soon as he came in. He sat down on the bed and I sat next to him. I laid my head down on his chest and started to cry again. He just rubbed my back, which was really comforting.

"I would ask what's wrong, but I already know. Louis is an idiot. Liam and I have already lectured him, and he feels horrible." Niall said after a couple minutes.

"I feel horrible. I mean, was I just not good enough or something? What's wrong with me?" I asked.

"Nothing's wrong with you. Like I said, Louis is just an idiot."

All of the sudden, there was another knock on the door. I swear, if Louis is standing out there, I'm going to slap him. Cant he just leave me alone?

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Liam." He answered.

"Is Louis there?"


I looked at Niall, and he just shrugged. I got up and opened the door, and Liam stepped in. I gestured for him to sit on the bed with Niall and I, so he did. I shut the door and locked it again. I went back to my place on the bed and laid down on Niall again.

"Hey, you ok?" Liam asked.

"Well, considering I just witnessed my fiancé kiss another girl, I'm doing fabulous." I said sarcastically.

"Sorry. That was a pretty stupid question."

"Ya think? Anyways, what do you want? Did Louis send you?"

"No, Louis didn't send me. He's laying on the couch, crying his eyes out. Harry's trying to comfort him, but it's not working that well."

"Well he brought this on himself. He should've known something like this would happen when he kissed another girl." I rolled my eyes. I'm not as sad, but more mad now. I was still crying though, I just couldn't help it.

"He didn't know you were there-" I cut him off.

"THAT SHOULDNT MATTER!" I yelled. "If you are engaged, then you shouldn't kiss anyone else, whether your fiancé is there, or not."

"Yes, I know. And he's an idiot, and he feels really bad. Please, just talk to him."

"NO! I think I've made it pretty clear that I don't want to talk to him. So if you want to keep telling me to talk to him, then just get out."

"Dude, just leave." Niall said, pointing to the door.

Liam just apologized for everything he said, then left. I decided to get out my phone to check my messages. I had 23 texts from Louis, and 1 from Morgan. Morgan's was just a comforting text, so I was fine with it. Louis's, however, I wasn't fine with.

"can we talk?"

"I love you so much."

"I'm so sorry."

"please talk to me."

"just let me explain."

There were a lot more just like that, but I just ignored them. I put my phone away and laid back down on Niall.

"Can you sing to me?" I asked him. It was kind of a random question, but I needed something to help calm me down.

"Sure. What do you want me to sing?" He asked.

"Little Things... it's one of my favorite songs."

"You're hand fits in mine like it's made just for me." He sang. I loved his voice so much.

I started to cry a little more when he sang Louis's part, but I didn't let him see. There was already a wet spot on his shirt from my tears, so I don't think he would mind a few more tears.

"you cant go to bed without a cup of tea."

Sometime while he was singing, I managed to fall asleep. I couldn't stop thinking about Louis and that girl, so that's what I ended up dreaming about. Well, it was more of a nightmare, if you ask me.


early update! sorry it's pretty short, but I usually end the chapter if someone falls asleep because it's pretty hard to write about them sleeping... it gets pretty boring. Anyways... I hope you enjoyed the chapter. If you did, please vote!

question: who is your favorite member of One Direction? also, what's your favorite album?

picture: sad Louis😢

video: little things

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