Next Time//David X Reader

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It had been a long day, a frustrating one. Not because it had been a bad one. No, because it was your hormones driving you crazy. How were you supposed to control it when David Williams was always strutting around the school looking like a Greek god? Your dreams lately hadn't been helping either. You would have the steamiest dreams, then wake up, right before anything good would happen. So, it wasn't surprising to you when you had a hard time concentrating during your last period when David freaking Williams was sitting right in front of you, his leather jacket and white t-shirt hugging his muscular chest and torso. You were thinking about your dream when all of a sudden, the teacher called your name. 

"Y/N and David, you two will be partners for this project. Everyone gets the last fifteen minutes to choose and discuss a topic. Go!" You sigh before rubbing the frustration off your face. David smiled when he turned around to face you, his bright blue eyes doing nothing to help stop your thoughts.

"So, what do you want to do?" He asked, his smile sending a tingle down to where you wanted him the most. You, David. I want to do you, you thought, but smiled instead.

"Um, how about we do something between the comparison of then and now? Show how we evolved from primal survivors to more complex people who no longer just do things because it's a basic thing?" You said, hoping not to ramble too much.

"Like sex." David chuckled. He watches your face turn beet red. "I-I meant that we no longer do that since it's a basic need. You know? Look, I'm sorry, it was just the first thing that popped into my head." He coughed out. You smiled at his nervousness.

"Okay, yeah. Why don't we meet later and discuss the outline?" You questioned, David already nodding before you finished.

"Of course. We can do it at my place after practice." You nodded as you gathered your things. 

"Sure, text me the address and time. I'll be there." You said, pushing a piece of paper towards him. He writes his number and address on it in his own unique handwriting. 

You hurried home after school, so sexually frustrated that you knew you needed to take care of it before you went to David's place. Luckily, your family wasn't home yet, so you quickly take your toy out and apply it to your naked clit, throwing your clothes on the floor. Your phone lights up with a text from David. 

Hi! Practice got cancelled. I can pick you up in ten. Be ready.

You sighed, even more frustrated than before. Typing a quick reply back, you throw on a pair of sweats and a tight, white tank top and slip your hair into a ponytail, grabbing your bag and climbing into David's car which waits outside. 

The first few hours went by fast. You made your outline, started on your presentation, and ate a tub of ice cream. David kept giving you a strange look. 

"What?" He chuckled. You rose from your position on the couch and stalked towards him, wiping the ice cream off his nose. His cheeks had a slight pink tint to them and he watched you lick the ice cream off your finger, his eyes wide. David reached out for you, his soft fingers touching yours. You didn't mind his contact and moved closer. It was when he pulled you into his lap that your own cheeks turned that same shade of pink. You were straddling him, looking into those deep blue eyes when he leaned in, studying your face for discomfort. You reassured him by closing the gap between the two of you. The kiss was slow at first, but it wasn't long till your frustration felt the need to be released. Your hips grinded against his, trying to regain some pleasure. To your surprise, David pulled back to look at you, his eyes a shade darker and a smirk playing the corner of his lips.

"So, that's why you were squirming in your seat earlier, huh?" He teased, his hands traveling to the back of your exposed neck and shoulders. You rolled your eyes, ignoring the fact that he was right. David chuckled and leaned forward. "So I take it you're not super horny right now?" You shook your head, not wanting him to get a rise out of you. "So, if I, let's say, start kissing your neck right now, I won't get a moan out of you?" You shook your head again and managed to somehow play along. Letting your hand travel from his hair to his chest, you shrugged.

"No, you won't. But I'll bet I can get one out of you." You smirked as you saw the shade grow darker. 

"You sure 'bout that?" You nodded. David took your nod of approval and seconds later, his lips attached to your neck. You reacted immediately, tilting your head to the side, allowing him access. His hands grabbed your hips harshly, making you smile in triumph and something of his to copy. 

Pulling apart, you smirked at him. "Getting excited?" David rolled his eyes. 

"Screw you."

"Gladly." You smirked. When he realized what you said, he didn't waste any time. He got up, you still in his lap, and walked towards the bed, dropping you on your back. However, just as he hovered over you, lips on your neck once again and hands ready to yank your pants down, the sound of a door slamming rang throughout the house. David's eyes went wide with panic, and he sighs loudly. 

"Of course today was the day she had a short shift at work." He grumbled, head falling on your chest. A few moments later, you heard footsteps and the door opens. 

"David, I thought I told you not to sle-" his mom stopped in her tracks when she opened the door and saw you lying on the bed, a book in front of you and David in his chair, reading a paragraph from the research. "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were sleeping again. You know how I feel about you sleeping in the afternoon." 

"Not sleeping. We're just doing homework." You tried really hard to laugh. You could still see the lump in his pants, and he hid it well from his mom. 

"Oh, that's great. I'll let you get back to it." His mom goes back downstairs. David sits up and climbs back over your body, kissing his way up your chest to your lips. 

You two have an interesting afternoon. 

The Lost Boys Imagines and Preferences (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now